Html And Widgets How Does That Work 
Автор: LogoLogics A.
Просмотрено 1684,
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Размещенный 56
In v9 in the html object, are widgets objects for facebook etc.
What is their function exactly? I mean we can insert widgets in html so what do we do with the icons on the right?
I can not drag them, clicking on them does not do a thing?
How do I get them to work, I can not find that in the manual?
Those widgets can be added to you project: each one has a different function. The facebook like button for example, can be added to your project and every time someone will look into your website and like it, a notice will appear on their facebook profile.
If you wish to add them double click on them, customize their settings and confirm. HTML code will be added to the HTML and Widgets object. Confirm it and test your page to see the result!
Hi Samantha,
Thx for your help.
Double clicking does the trick indeed!
It worked right away with my twitter account and the facebook like button.
For the Facebook box I can't seem to get it work. My url is:!/logologics
If I enter: LogoLogicsnl it does not work. What do I need to insert to get the box working please?
This box is only working for FANPAGES as far as I'm aware??
The button works fine for other accounts though........
I've learnt something new today!! Thanks buddy........
So it's the pages attribute!!
Hi there,
Thx I got it working, made a fanpage..
Just entering : pages/LogoLogicsnl/100921353282350
did not go to my most used page, but to a yet to be made page.
I did that and here's the result:
Ich habe es schon mehrfach hier geschrieben und auch Inco schon gefragt wieso es keine vernünftige Anleitung bzw. Hilfetext im Programm gibt...
I've already written several times here and Inco already asked why there is no reasonable instructions or help inside the program.