WebSite X5Help Center

Robert L.
Robert L.

Downgrade  en

Автор: Robert L.
Просмотрено 1135, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: 10,9,pro,x5

Am I able to create a website in 10 Pro and save as a 10 or 9 site...

3 Ответы
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

It's not possible as far as I am aware, the templates are built for that particular software version.

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Размещено От Jamie B.
Robert L.
Robert L.

Hi Jamie ... I have never used a template only the custom blank...thanks for your reply.

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Размещено От Robert L.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

what you create with website x5 is called a custom template, and the sites that you built can only be used with that particular software version

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Размещено От Jamie B.