Database Viewer 
Autor: Sylwester S.
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Is a field for searching in 'Database Viewer' to edit and update an information?
Gepostet am
Hello Sylvester
Yes there is a field where you can search ( Filter ).
And you can set the database-object up, so that you can edit fields.
The editing requires that the table has a unique key.
You can see the search/filter option here :
If you write something in the field and press "Filter" only records wthat matches will be shown.
On another page ( locked page ) I have set the same object up but with an option where editing is allowed.
Of course I can/will not show you the editing option live.
Kind regards
John S.
By the way - there is also an option where users can export to excel.
I have an example here :
Kind regards
John S.
AND - you can resize the columns and sort columns - try to do this in my last example
And so I could edit and update the price and number of the product by using Databace viewer?
Dear Sylwester,
please consider that you will need to edit your project and export it again when you have to update products and information concerning the products.
Thank you, I wish you a lovely day.