PayPal Payments not relaying Shopping Cart Product Information 
Autor: S. ThayerI am using Website X5 Professional v 11. We sell fiberglass cloth with each roll having 4 criteria 1-style, 2-width, 3-finish, 4-yards. I define each roll in the shopping cart section similar to the following example: Name/code: 3733-38-497A-10yds-$57.33. In the description I put 10 yards 3733, 38" 497A finish. Then I enter the amount 57.33, availability, weight. I haven't put links. In order management I have PayPal with my email account.
When I do a trial puchase everything looks lovely with the information coming up just like I have it laid out. I just published the site a day ago (website sat idle for over a year) and sold one roll of the lightweight cloth. The order came through from Paypal with the incomedia order # and PayPal's normal transaction numbers but absolutely no clue as to the Style, width, finish or yards of the cloth that was bought by the customer. I received no email with any information and have no idea where to cross reference the order numbers generated by the Incomedia website with the style, width, finish and yards of cloth. I have over 300 items in the shopping cart section and set each one unique to the style of cloth. Only from memory and the unique prices set was I able to know what the customer got.
How can I set this up so the product information goes to PayPal and shows up when they buy the product? Or how do I get to the orders that are generated with the website?
I've read the topics but don't see what would apply. I just don't get it and this is very, very important.
Is the "attach order data in CSV format" supposed to be checked?
Steve Thayer website
Hello Thayer
You can set it up here ( but it seems that you have been there ) :
The information on the order does not go to PayPal, but the buyer and you, will receive a mail with the order specified.
The order in the mail, contains much the same information the buyer sees, when he looks in the basket.
You have to set up your mail address to also get a copy of the order details.
Kind regards
John S.
S. Thayer
I am aware that PAYPAL changed the rules fairly recently (& caused me much grief). My recommendation is to upgrade to V14 (click on your profile, top right this webpage & select offers), alternativeley you can follow the following guide (it was way too hard for me)
Good luck - let us know if you have difficulties.
In using the website help center instructions I copied and pasted the code as instructed, changed the paypal account to my email account and the EU to USD.
Now I'm have a problems understanding how to modify the following code:
Do I put my website and leave the %3A%2F%2F or does this replace it?? and also for the return=http does that become ...._return=
Can you explain more clearly and just precise step by step what you mean please?
And I don't even know where to find the confirmation page URL.
And, the big question is, why do I not have access to the order information from the customer? I've had my email address on the sending order page from day one but no email was sent with the style, width, finish and yards and clearly defined in the shopping cart.
Steve Thayer
Thayercraft Inc
Hello Thayer
I think you could focus on the order-confirmation via mail.
You SHOULD receive a mail confirmation with the order details and the order number.
Have you tried to setup the mailform and get mail from there ? - just as a test.
Where does the customer's order info go? I don't get it. You can think of me as dumb or whatever. I'm smart in other things. I just need to know how I get to the information for what the customer buys from within the website I created using your program.
Steve Thayer
Hello Thayer
I don't think you are dumb at all - I only think your system are having trouble with sending mails.
I suggest :
You make a test to see if your system will send mails. The easiest way to make such a test with the v11, is to use a mail-object. Here you also should be able to let your system send a mail to a person AND send a copy to yourself.
When you have verified that your system is able to do this, then you can concentrate on the order-system.
Here you have the same - when a user press the "buy" then he will get a copy of the order and you should ALSO get a copy of the order.
So - are your system able to send mail to a user and a copy to you ?
I just made a test in one of my old testaccounts ver 11
Here is an order confirmation to the seller :
And her the same confirmation to the buyer :
The above is 2 clips from orders I just have received by mail.
It is JUST for test.
The one mail is from the system to the customer.
The other mail is to the seller (typical the owner of the site )
Is it such order confirmations you are missing ?????
The "shopping" was made on this page :
Again it is only a testsite - but you could try to "buy" some items and then see the order confirmation the customer gets.
Hello again Thayer
maybe it could be useful for you to see this post :
Hi S Thayer,
you can try inserting this code to the "immediate payment custom code".
obviously inserting "your data" in the items highlighted in bold. after you've edited, paste it in ws.
it must be pasted in ws all in one on a "single line".
I hope it will help you solve the problem.
let me know if it was successful. if you succeeded, you can close the post, if you have other problems, you can contact me by mail.
<a target="_blank" href="***&item_name=Ordine%20[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&item_number=[UESCAPE_ORDER_NO]&amount=[UESCAPE_PRICE, 1, ###.@@]¤cy_code=EUR&button_subtype=services&no_note=0&charset=UTF%2d8&first_name=[UESCAPE_NAME]&last_name=[UESCAPE_LASTNAME]&address1=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS1]&address2=[UESCAPE_ADDRESS2]&city=[UESCAPE_CITY]&state=[UESCAPE_STATEREGION]&country=[UESCAPE_COUNTRYCODE]&zip=[UESCAPE_ZIPPOSTALCODE]&email=[UESCAPE_EMAIL]&no_shipping=1&"><img src="" alt="Pay Now" border="0"></a>
Steve, you have moved to V14, is your problem resolved?