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Alex E.
Alex E.

Fixierung Footer  de

Autor: Alex E.
Besucht 2489, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Hallo zusammen,

wie fixiere ich in V14 Prof. den Footer, so dass er immer am Bottom der Seite zu sehen ist, wenn ich scrolle? Ich habe zwar aus frueheren Versionen Tipps gesehen mit HTML Code, aber wie geht das bei V14? Wieso gibt es nicht ein Feature, das einem das ermoeglicht?

Gruss, Alex

Gepostet am
Elisa B.

Guten Tag!

Leider bieten wir keine technische Unterstützung zur Einfügung von benutzerdefinierten Codes. Benutzerdefinierte Codes können im Programm WebSite X5 in Schritt 3 "Erstellen der Seiten", im Objekt "HTML und Widgets" eingefügt werden.

Da der gwünschte Code nicht im Programm integriert ist, schlage ich Ihnen vor die Information entweder mit Hilfe von Suchmaschinen (u.a. Google) zu finden oder diesen Beitrag auf "offentlich" zu setzen, sodass Ihnen andere Mitglieder der WebSite X5 Help Center -Community eventuell Informationen dazu geben können.

Vielen dank für Ihr Verständnis!

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
John S.
John S.

The code to be used :

#imFooter_imCell_4 {position:fixed; bottom: 0px; left:0px; background:red; height: 100px; width: 100%; z-index: 1000;}

The name #imFooter_imCell_4  will depend on your actual project.

It could be #imFooter_imCell_4  or #imFooter_imCell_3 or #imFooter_imCell_7

It will fix the footer with a red background and a height of 100px. It will also fix the title if you have a title in the footer, but if you have other objects in the footer, these also will have to be fixed.

The code you put in the 1 - settings / Statistic,SEO and code / expert. Before closing the HEAD tag.  This way it will have affect on all pages. Else you can put it in a specific page and only have to be active for this specific page.

You can fix the header or the footer or both.

Hope you have it to function, and hope you are helped by this.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Alex E.
Alex E.

Hi John,

thanks for your advice! I got it fixed as you said, in my case it was imCell_7. However, now I need to fix the other objects.

Here are the links: and

Best regards


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Gepostet am von Alex E.
John S.
John S.

Hello Alex

I have looked on your sites. I cannot find any fixed footers. On the "events" site it also seems not to be needed, and on the "charter" site I can see no footer at all.

But maybe it is not objects in the footer you will fix.

I need more information to help you.

You could also see this post :

Here you can see how to fix a title-object and fix the menu-object in the header.

In the footer it is maybe not neccessary to fix a title.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Alex E.
Alex E.

Hi John,

I haven't uploaded the changes yet. In the preview it now is black after I changed the color to black - how can I fix the objects, like text?

I will upload the event site now with the changes for you to see.


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Gepostet am von Alex E.
John S.
John S.

Hello Alex

For delice-events :

It seems that you have each text in its own object.

Example : The "Privacy Policy" is in a title ( imCell_8 )

<span id="imFooter_imObjectTitle_08_text">

<div id="imFooter_imObjectTitle_08_wrapper">

<div id="imFooter_imCell_8">

<p class=MsoNormal align=right style='text-align:right'><span lang=EN-GB
"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'><a
href=""><span style='text-decoration:
none;text-underline:none'>Privacy Policy</span></a></span></span><span
lang=EN-GB style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'> <o:p></o:p></span></p>



And then you have the imCell_9, imCell_10 and  imCell_11.

I will advice you to use a text-object instead and then have all the four texts :

Privacy Policy

Terms &amp; Conditions

Delice Events is a trademark of and operated by

DURETTI Boats Manufacturing L.L.C.

In one text-object instead.

You could have the 2 first texts left aligned in the textbox and then the 2 next texts right-aligned in the textbox.

In the textbox you can make links for all 4 texts.

Doing it this way, I think it will not be needed to take care of the responsive design.

If you not do this, you will have 4  objects you will have to fix, and it will give trouble in the responsive design - unless you place then all to the left.

It seems that it is only here : on this page it can beseen that the footer is fixed.

Please try to make the texts in the footer in only one text object, and then upload again.

I will then take a look again ( you could remove the copy-protection - it will make it a bit easier for me. It is not needede as you can see I can inspect the source anyway wink).

After the changes I will tell the code for the text object to be fixed.

You could also leave it as it is. Then the code for the "DURETTI Boats Manufacturing L.L.C." could be :

#imFooter_imCell_11 {position:relative; bottom: 20px; left:100px; background:transparent; }

I have not tested this myself, but when you tell if you will put all the text in one object, I will.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Alex E.
Alex E.

Good morning John,

thank you for your analysis and lenghtly reply! I will try to put in in one textbox - just for clarification, with "textbox" you mean the Title option in the template content, correct? As there is no option for textbox, only Title.

Best regards


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Gepostet am von Alex E.
John S.
John S.

No - I mean the text-object.

You can in the dropdown select "Alle kategorier"/ All categorier, and then you have access to all objects - then you choose the text-object. Here yoy see the title-object to the left and the text-object to the right.

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Gepostet am von John S.