Video Uploads 
Autor: Walt P.Was not sure what to title this as, but this is the issues.
1 - I copied a template from another older project in which I HAD A VIDEO upload.
2 - After copying the template (new name, different URL, etc.) The video from the original template seems to always upload when I publish any updates with the new template. ????
3 - There is no video on the new template anywhere, yet the video is always uploaded to the web and I do not know why or how to stop it from being used.
4 - I simply liked the template I had, so decided to use it for another site. I do not need the video from an old site to be uploaded to this site. I have deleted it on the web, but any time WebX uploads any changes, the video gets uploaded all over again.
Help!! Where is this mysterious link to the old video and how can I tell my NEW TEMPLATE to not upload the video.
Hello Walt P.
If you are seeing your video in the Website X5 preview then it will not work. To see your video, you have to publish your website.
May be it will take some time to load your video according to your video size.
You can update your Website X5 to the latest version for better result.
Hope this will help you
Thank you
Hi Ani,
Thanks for responding! Helpful indeed!
Hi Walt,
The previous reply seemed to miss the point of your question. It's hard to know why the old video is uploading though, without going through every single page to see if there is a link or somew optional object still in there somehow, or some custom code that didn't get stripped out. Some of the moderators like Andre can probably go through your site files and see if there is anything in there. You don't have this (or any) website listed under your profile, so I can't look at it and see what might be causing it or where it lies on your site. Is it possible for you to tell us the url so we can take a look?
Hello Walt.
There should be no need to upgrade because of this issue. I am not quite sure why this is suggested - unless ANI B is Elisa or another INCOMEDIA persons alias. The same thing would probably happen in every version of the X5.
It is most likely caused by the fact, that an object or some background uses the video.
You have to find out what uses the video, and then delete the link. As Wayne says, we could better help you, if you give some more information - best would be an URL to your site.
If we can't see what it is, we can only guess.
Sorry ANI B - I forgot to put in a smiley in my post. I don't think you are an INCOMEDIA person - it was just a joke. But your answer seemed to be a bit off-topic.
Walt, is the old video visible on the new site or does it simply upload and remain invisible on the site?
Could you provide a link to your online site so we can perhaps take a guess as to where the video is embedded?
And lastly, can you provide the full name of the video so we can search though browser source?
There are reports of this type of issue (usually images) here on the board, but seldom has anyone been able to reproduce the problem for investigation. I am sorely tempted to ask you to upload the template here to see if we can reproduce the issue.