Italic fonts synthesized 
Autor: Wolfgang E. P.
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Hi all,
could not find a solution neither in the post nor after trying many workarounds.
It seems to me WSX5 can only synthesize bold/bold italic and italic. If italic, bold, bold/italic of same font weight are uploaded separately (every font cut is a separate file) WSX5 cannot use. It always uses the normal and synthesizes italic, bold/italic and bold.
Is there a workaround? OK. Can hint the fonts inside the font file and say it is not same family. Works but not very useful.
Google online fonts are only suggested in the regular version by WSX5. Bold/italic are synthesized.
Help would be very much appreciated. Don't like synthesized fonts for a high quality page.
Gepostet am
Wolfgang, if you download and embed a full font family from google can you overcome the synthesised bold/italic by specifying the required font in the text?
Hi Esahc,
this is exactly what I've done. For the sake of simplicity I've reduced the fonts to regular/regular-italic and bold/bold-italic (just for this thread, 4 files). Appending jpeg. If regular italic is selected for the heading it synthesizes the font from regular and is not switching to the italic fontfile.
I've found out the fonts are correctly stored in the fonts directory of the project. And a fonts.xml seems to be correctly built. If the I selector is selected WSX5 synthesizes and does not take the italic fonts. Same for B but not so obvious for not grafic artists. by the way the angle of the synthetic italic is wrong too.
Hope there is a solution.
Hi Esahc,
have done everything again. Now on the preview it works. Please be patient. I'll try again and update you why it's working now. Regards. WEP.
Hi Esahc,
me again.
Findings as follows:
1. For debugging I've downloaded following .ttf files (original named by Google).
(Be aware this font is maybe the most used font webfont worldwide. International pages cannot use Google fonts online because e.g. China restricts access to google. Itz is more confident to upload fonts into the page.)
2. Then add this fonts as offline fonts in WSX5. Better one by one. The first "standard" fonts work well.
If you upload the 5th file it works but you can see that the file description is already false. 6th a.s.o. don't work.
If you upload another font with another name it works.
3. Result: The upload and internal font hinting does not work 100%. I will manage somehow with amended file content and file names. But this is too complicated to be explained here.
Maybe somebody could go into this and make the font use more confident.
That's it for the moment. Thanks fr. yr reply. Regards. WEP.