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Wolfgang E. P.
Wolfgang E. P.

Webshop future development  en

Autor: Wolfgang E. P.
Besucht 801, Followers 3, Geteilt 0  

Hi all,
after years now with WP I'm just asking if there will be a progress with the main issues for the WSX5 webshop (specially within the EU). This issues are:
1. Check of VAT identification number 
2. Reverse charge if VAT checked successfully
3. Adaptation of invoices and corresponding mails to reverse charge system
4. Different buyer groups for VAT adaptations by buayer and not only by product
5. ...

For smaller shops WSX5 still is a useful alterbnative but it needs the fundamental tools for EU shops. Many consumers have VAT identification numbers and therefore can use reverse charge which would be very simple to implement in the WSX5 shop. But it has to be done by the programmers to get it into the update cycles. Have tried self-made php and js modules but every WSX5 update risks to damage the functionality of the page.

Would be great to have some thoughts of the Incomedia guys how they see the future of the webshop. It is fully ok if you've decided to restrict the page to national and simple international B2C sales. But this will kick the webshop out of the market soon.

Thanks a lot for a short answer. Maybe there are some internal developments that will get WSX5 on trace again. Regards WEP.

Gepostet am
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

@Wolfgang EP

Keep dreaming my friend, keep dreaming...

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Gepostet am von Giuseppe Guida
Wolfgang E. P.
Wolfgang E. P.

Ciao Giuseppe,
sono austriaco ma parlo anche abbastanza bene l'italiano (sono spesso in Italia). Purtroppo l'IVA è un mostro burocratico in Italia. Forse è questo il motivo della gestione complicata di un soggetto relativamente semplice. Volevo solo sapere se a Incomedia si sta facendo qualcosa in background per quanto riguarda l'IVA e il webshop.
È permesso sognare. Ha. 

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Gepostet am von Wolfgang E. P.
Elisa B.

Hallo Wolfgang, 

da Sie Österreicher sind, schreibe ich Ihnen auf Deutsch. 

Sicher sind diese Funktionen sehr interessant und eine weitere Erkundung wert. Sie haben erwähnt, dass Sie es  bereits mit benutzerdefiniertem Code gelöst haben: Könnten Sie uns bitte mehr Informationen zu diesem Code geben, damit wir dieses Anliegen ausführlicher analysieren können?

Punkt 4 habe ich leider nicht genau verstanden, was meinen Sie genau?

Vielen Dank im Voraus. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Wolfgang E. P.
Wolfgang E. P.

Hi Elisa. 
Punkt 4) innerhalb eines Landes gibt es Konsumenten bzw. Kunden mit z. B. Umsatzsteuerbefreiung, halber Satz Umsatzsteuer etc. Diese Eigenschaft muss im Login abgefragt, gespeichert und entsprechend weiterverarbeitet werden.

Die Module sind nicht mehr up to date, weil ich vor Jahren zu Wordpress gewechselt bin.
Ist einfach nur schade, weil WSX5 eine prima Benutzeroberfläche hat. 


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Gepostet am von Wolfgang E. P.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Wolfgang E. P.
Ciao Giuseppe, sono austriaco ma parlo anche abbastanza bene l'italiano (sono spesso in Italia). Purtroppo l'IVA è un mostro burocratico in Italia. Forse è questo il motivo della gestione complicata di un soggetto relativamente semplice. Volevo solo sapere se a Incomedia si sta facendo qualcosa in background per quanto riguarda l'IVA e il webshop. È permesso sognare. Ha.  Saluti.WEP.

Wolfgang EP, ti capisco perfettamente, sarebbero tante le integrazioni da fare su Website X5 per renderlo competitivo nella creazione di e-commerce performanti e al passo con i tempi. Purtroppo però ci dobbiamo limitare, spesso, molto spesso, all novità che ci "impone" Incomedia e delle quali, in tutta sincerità, se ne può fare benissimo a meno... Come, ad esempio, le novità della prossima nuova versione... valuta tu stesso...

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Gepostet am von Giuseppe Guida

And bugs always open yell

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Gepostet am von Axel  
Wolfgang E. P.
Wolfgang E. P.

Ciao Giuseppe. Li ho già controllati. Non c'è problema. Ma non sono molto importanti. Ha raggione. A presto. WEP.

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Gepostet am von Wolfgang E. P.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats PT
And bugs always open

Sorry Axel, but what bugs are there, that are still unresolved?

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.



actual issue with well known audio & video object which not displayed correctly videos

photo spere viewer object completely bugged. been refund. not possible to use it

internal file explorer added by inco which not displayed  network drives (at home). inco answeris: we dont know how to fix !!!!!surprisedsurprisedsurprised

issue in progress with Incomedia and error message during optimization

same project in progress too with error message during export

does it enough for you ? foot-in-mouth


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Gepostet am von Axel  
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats PT
actual issue with well known audio & video object which not displayed correctly videos

I did not know


photo spere viewer object completely bugged. been refund. not possible to use it

I did not purchase that item


internal file explorer added by inco which not displayed  network drives (at home). inco answeris: we dont know how to fix !!!!!surprisedsurprisedsurprised

I hope for you that the reintroduction of the classic explorer interface in the new preview version will solve this problem


issue in progress with Incomedia and error message during optimization

yes I had read this in one of your posts, I think


does it enough for you ? foot-in-mouth

I thought worse. tongue-out
I hope they solve everything soon.

I was asking to know, even though I am a moderator, I am unaware of any plans of Incomedia.


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Gepostet am von Claudio D.

Hey Claudio,

you're welcome and like you read, many things are not running correctly and sometimes since long weeks with no workaround  


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Gepostet am von Axel  
Elisa B.

Guten Tag Wolfgang, 

danke für die weiteren Details. Ich bestätige, dass ich Ihre Vorschläge gemeldet habe, damit sie für künftige Softwareversionen in Betracht genommen werden können.

Danke! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Martin N.
Martin N.

Vielleicht ist es Zufall, dass ich auch aus Österreich bin, aber ich würde einen VAT Check auch sehr begrüßen. In meinem Show kaufen hauptsächlich Firmenkunden die eine gültige UID haben und die leider nicht ohne Mwst. einkaufen und direkt bezahlen können...sehr schade.

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Gepostet am von Martin N.
Jiří Štěpán
Jiří Štěpán

Mám e-shop typu B2B a rovněž mi nedostatečné řešení účtování DPH při přeshraničním prodeji značně komplikuje život.

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Gepostet am von Jiří Štěpán