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How to paste a table into the text object  en

Autor: DENNIS S.
Besucht 152, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Hello All,

I prefer not to use the table in X5. Does anyone know how to paste a table into the text object. It's not working for me? I want to paste a table I created in Word.



Gepostet am
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats EN

Why does the table absolutely have to be in the text object?

You can just as easily use the text object first, then the table object in between and then another text object at the end.

Of course, you can also try pasting the HTML code for a table into a text object and clicking the HTML icon at the top so that it has a blue border and the HTML code runs.

But why bother with HTML code when it's easier to separate text and table?

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats EN

I missed that a Word table should be inserted and it may be extensive.

Using Google I found a German website with a list of tools.

----- (Translated with Google) -----

Mastering the Art of Converting Word Tables to HTML [6 Methods]

Method 1: Convert Word table to HTML with PDFelement

Method 2: Convert Word table to HTML with TextFixer

Method 3: Convert Word table to HTML with Aconvert

Method 4: Convert Word table to HTML with

Method 5: Convert Word table to HTML with Vertopal

Method 6: Convert Word table to HTML with OnlineConvert

>> (in German)


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Gepostet am von Daniel W.