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Colin W.
Colin W.

X5 Pro v11 Dynamic box and setting URL links?  en

Author: Colin W.
Visited 2064, Followers 1, Shared 0  

In X5 Pro v10, I was able to add URL links to txt in dynamic boxes while editing website through Internet explorer.

In X5 Pro v11, I highlight the text I wish to add the URL link to and click OK, however it asks me to highlight the txt, which I previously highlighted.  This sends me in circles and I am unable to add URL link.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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Jorge L.
Jorge L.

bug like everything else on website x5 v11

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Posted on the from Jorge L.
Claudio D.

Hello Colin,

also noticed the same behavior and I already informed the developers. They will check the issue and, in case, fix it in the future updates. You will receive a notification of a new update in the opening screen of WebSite X5 and you can see the changes made in the updates on

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.