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Vedat G.
Vedat G.

Tracking Id for Google Analytics Questions  en

Author: Vedat G.
Visited 2845, Followers 3, Shared 0  


For version v11 Pro there is a new field in SEO section called Tracking ID for Google Universal Analytics.

First question: In this section do we only need to place the ID in UA-XXXXXXX-1 format, or in XXXXXX-1 format (without the UA at the beginning?)

Second Question: If any of the statement above is true, what happens to the full Google JS code that was already placed in all pages via the expert section? Do I delete it or do I keep it?

Best Regards,


Posted on the
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Vedat,

You need to paste the entire tracking code from Google into the 'Tracking ID for Google Universal Analytics' field, not just the ID itself.  In other words ALL the code similar to this:

<script type="text/javascript">

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");



<script type="text/javascript">

try {

var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-110367-1");


} catch(err) {}</script>

You can delete the JavaScript code in the Expert section...  it would be inadvisable to have tracking code in more than one place on your web pages.  Inserting the tracking code in Step 4 will ensure optimum results.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
David Wilson
David Wilson

Hi Vedat

As far as I know you use the UA, as it is part of the Tracking ID. and you can keep the code in place. The more ways you can verify google the happier google is. Hope this helped.

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Posted on the from David Wilson
Paul M.
Paul M.

Just to clarify, David...  verification performs a different function to tracking, which is what Vedat's enquiry was about.

In this instance it would definitely be a bad idea to have duplicate JavaScript code on the same page(s).

Thanks for your input though!

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
David Wilson
David Wilson

Thankyou paul

I stand corrected

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Posted on the from David Wilson
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

Yes only the ID


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Posted on the from Der Zwoemti
Vedat G.
Vedat G.

Hi Guys,

Just to try it, I have placed the ID code only in the area provided. I have deleted the entire code I had in expert section before. It seems like it is working.

I am attaching the screen shot for real time.

Best Regards,


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Posted on the from Vedat G.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the update, Vedat.

It appears that the wording of the X5 help file is a bit ambiguous.

Glad it all seems to be working fine!

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.