E-learning programını kendi web siteme yönlendirme nasıl yapılır? 
Author: özgür B.
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Wiziq isimli web sitesinden uzaktan öğretim ( e-learning programı ) aldım. Wiziq teknik ekibi web site host'uma (ftp) mod isimli yeni bir klasör açarak "moodle" isimli bir plugin yükledi. Bu plugin bildiğim kadarı ile hem türkçe interface için hem de öğrencilerimizin wiziq web sitesinden değilde kendi web sitemizden derse katılmaları için.
Türkçe interface sorunu çözüldü. Ama kendi web sitemizde girişi sağlayamadım.
Ne yapabilirim. e-learning program ekibi web site programcınızla görüşün dedi.
Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum
Posted on the
Aşağıda ftp nin altında httpdocs/mod/wiziq/index.php den alınmış kısmı yayınlıyorum.Sanırım buradan veya yakın bir yerden :)) belli kodları sayfamın html kısmına code olarak yapıştıracağım.( Emin değilim)
Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum
// This file is part of Wiziq - http://www.wiziq.com/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* This is a one-line short description of the file
* You can have a rather longer description of the file as well,
* if you like, and it can span multiple lines.
* @package mod_wiziq
* @copyright www.wiziq.com
* @author ***
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
define('WIZIQ_MAX_TABLE_SIZE', 10);
global $DB;
#--------parameter needed---------
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // course
$download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_RAW);
$paging = optional_param('paging', '', PARAM_INT);
#------setting paging as cookie in order to have paging when page number is changed-------
if (!empty($paging)) {
setcookie('wiziq_managecookie', $paging, time()+(86400 * 7*365));
$class_per_page = $paging;
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
$PAGE->set_url('/mod/wiziq/index.php', array('id' => $id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$pagetitle = new stdClass();
$pagetitle->name = get_string('manage_classes', 'wiziq');
$PAGE->set_heading(format_string(get_string('wiziq_classes', 'wiziq')));
$course_number = $course->id;
#-----this function get all the data regarding the wiziq class, including cm id's----
if (! $wiziqs = get_all_instances_in_course('wiziq', $course)) {
notice(get_string('nowiziqs', 'wiziq'),
new moodle_url('/course/view.php',
array('id' => $course->id)));
$total_wiziq_records = count($wiziqs);
$noerror = get_string('noerror','wiziq');
$params = array(
'objectid' => $total_wiziq_records,
'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
'courseid' => $course->id,
'context' => $coursecontext,
'other' => array(
'error' => '',
'sesskey' => sesskey()
$event = \mod_wiziq\event\wiziq_classlisting::create($params);
#------- Creation of table starts------
$table = new flexible_table('manageclasses');
$refresh_txt = get_string('refresh_page', 'wiziq');
$statusicon = '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/wiziq/pix/refresh.png" alt='.$refresh_txt.'/>';
$stausimage = '<a href="[removed]location.reload(true)"';
$stausimage .= ' title="'.$refresh_txt.'">'.$statusicon.'</a>';
$statusheading = 'Status'." ".$stausimage;
$table->define_columns(array('name', 'date_time', 'presenter',
'status', 'manage', 'dnldrec', 'viewrec', 'attendance_report'));
$table->column_style_all('text-align', 'left');
$table->define_headers(array(get_string('name', 'wiziq'),
get_string('date_time', 'wiziq'), get_string('presenter', 'wiziq'),
$statusheading, get_string('manage', 'wiziq'),
get_string('recording_link', 'wiziq'), get_string('viewrec', 'wiziq'),
get_string('attendance_report', 'wiziq')));
if (isset($_COOKIE['wiziq_managecookie']) && empty($paging)) {
$wiziq_managecookie = $_COOKIE['wiziq_managecookie'];
$selected = $wiziq_managecookie;
$class_per_page = $wiziq_managecookie;
} else if (!(isset($_COOKIE['wiziq_managecookie'])) && empty($paging)) {
$class_per_page = WIZIQ_MAX_TABLE_SIZE;
$selected = "";
} else {
$class_per_page = $paging;
$selected = $paging;
$table->pagesize($class_per_page, $total_wiziq_records);
#-----naming of the table download file----------------
$wiziq_manage_classes_file = get_string('manage_classes_file', 'wiziq');
$wiziq_file_heading = $wiziq_manage_classes_file." ".$course_number;
$manage_classes = get_string('wiziq_classes_file', 'wiziq');
$wiziq_mc_filename = $manage_classes.$course_number;
$table->is_downloading($download, $wiziq_mc_filename, $wiziq_file_heading);
#--required here so that the $OUTPUT and the html renders only when the page is not downloading--
if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$schedulenewwiziqclass = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/course/modedit.php",
array('add' => 'wiziq', 'type' => '', 'course' => $course->id,
'section' => '0', 'return' => '0'));
$navigationtabsmanage = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/wiziq/index.php",
array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$navigationtabscontent = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/wiziq/content.php",
array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$tabs =array();
$row = array();
$row[] = new tabobject('wiziq_sch_class', $schedulenewwiziqclass,
get_string('schedule_class', 'wiziq'));
$row[] = new tabobject('wizq_mange_class', $navigationtabsmanage,
get_string('manage_classes', 'wiziq'));
$row[] = new tabobject('wizq_mange_content', $navigationtabscontent,
get_string('manage_content', 'wiziq'));
$paging_option = new single_select($PAGE->url, "paging",
array('5'=>'5', '10'=>'10', '15'=>'15', '20'=>'20'), $selected);
$paging_option->label = get_string('per_page_classes', 'wiziq');
echo $OUTPUT->render($paging_option);
#------ setting up the table-----
#--- sorting array to get the newest record first-------
$starting_index = $table->get_page_start();
#------slicing the array depending upon the page size choosen by the user------
$slice = array_slice($wiziqs, $starting_index, $class_per_page);
#------ data entry and calling API part-------
$download_recording = get_string('download_recording', 'wiziq');
$view_recording = get_string('view_recording', 'wiziq');
#-----to be used when status will give value Inprogress Via API
$no_download_recording = get_string('no_download_recording', 'wiziq');
$creating_dnld_rcd = get_string('creating_dnld_rcd', 'wiziq');
foreach ($slice as $wiziq) {
$wiziq_status = $wiziq->class_status;
$wiziq_datetime = $wiziq->wiziq_datetime;
if (isset($wiziq->class_id)) {
$wiziq_classid_array[$wiziq->id] = $wiziq->class_id;
} else {
$wiziq_sesscode_array[$wiziq->id] = $wiziq->insescod;
if (!empty($wiziq_classid_array)) {
$wiziq_classid_array = array_filter($wiziq_classid_array);
wiziq_get_data_manage( $id, $wiziq_classid_array);
if (!empty($wiziq_sesscode_array)) {
$wiziq_sesscode_array = array_filter($wiziq_sesscode_array);// remove null and -ve values
wiziq_get_data_by_sessioncode_manage($id, $coursecontext, $wiziq_sesscode_array);
foreach ($slice as $wiziq) {
$userid = $wiziq->presenter_id;
$userfirstname = $DB->get_field_select('user', 'firstname', 'id='.$userid);<br /> $usersecondname = $DB->get_field_select('user', 'lastname', 'id='.$userid);<br /> $presenter_name = $userfirstname." ".$usersecondname;<br /> #------ if recording is opted for------<br /> $wiziqmodulecontext = context_module::instance($wiziq->coursemodule);<br /> $newwiziq = $DB->get_record('wiziq', array('id' => $wiziq->id));
if (!isset($newwiziq->class_id)) {
$title = $newwiziq->name;
$start_time = '';
} else {
$title = html_writer::link( new moodle_url('/mod/wiziq/view.php',
array('id' => $wiziq->coursemodule)), format_string($newwiziq->name, true));
$start_time = wiziq_converttime($newwiziq->wiziq_datetime, $newwiziq->class_timezone);
$wiziq_completed = ($newwiziq->class_status == 'completed');
if (isset($newwiziq->class_id)) {
if ($wiziq_completed && ($wiziq->class_id > 1)) {
wiziq_downloadrecording($id, $wiziqmodulecontext, $newwiziq->class_id,
$download_recording_link, $errormsg);
if ($download_recording_link != null) {
$updates = new stdClass(); //just enough data for updating the submission
$updates->id = $wiziq->id;
$updates->recording_link_status = WIZIQ_RECORDING_AVAILABLE;
$updates->recording_link = $download_recording_link;
$DB->update_record('wiziq', $updates);
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:wiziq_download_rec', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
$dnld_rec = html_writer::link( new moodle_url($download_recording_link),
} else {
$dnld_rec = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:wiziq_view_rec', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
$viewrec_url = new moodle_url($newwiziq->view_recording_link);
$action = new popup_action('click', $viewrec_url, "view_recording",
array('height' => 786, 'width' => 1024));
$view_recording_link = $OUTPUT->action_link($viewrec_url, $view_recording,
$action, array('title' => get_string('modulename', 'wiziq')));
} else {
$view_recording_link = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
} else if ($newwiziq->class_status == 'expired') {
$dnld_rec = get_string('classnotheld', 'wiziq');
$view_recording_link = get_string('classnotheld', 'wiziq');
} else if ($errormsg != null) {
$dnld_rec = $errormsg;
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:wiziq_view_rec', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
$viewrec_url = new moodle_url($newwiziq->view_recording_link);
$action = new popup_action('click', $viewrec_url, "view_recording",
array('height' => 786, 'width' => 1024));
$view_recording_link = $OUTPUT->action_link($viewrec_url, $view_recording,
$action, array('title' => get_string('modulename', 'wiziq')));
} else {
$view_recording_link = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
} else if ($newwiziq->recording != 1) {
$dnld_rec = "";
$view_recording_link = get_string('classwithoutrec', 'wiziq');
} else {
$dnld_rec = "";
$view_recording_link = "";
} else if (($newwiziq->recording != 1)) {
$dnld_rec = "";
$view_recording_link = get_string('classwithoutrec', 'wiziq');
} else {
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:wiziq_download_rec', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
if ($newwiziq->recording_link != "") {
wiziq_downloadrecording($id,$wiziqmodulecontext, $newwiziq->class_id,
$download_recording_link, $errormsg);
if ($download_recording_link != null) {
$dnld_rec = html_writer::link( new moodle_url($download_recording_link),
} else if ($errormsg != null) {
$dnld_rec = $errormsg;
} else {
$dnld_rec = get_string('creatingrecording', 'wiziq');
} else {
$dnld_rec = "";
} else {
$dnld_rec = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:wiziq_view_rec', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
if ($newwiziq->recording_link != "") {
$viewrec_url = new moodle_url($newwiziq->view_recording_link);
$action = new popup_action('click', $viewrec_url, "view_recording",
array('height' => 786, 'width' => 1024));
$view_recording_link = $OUTPUT->action_link($viewrec_url, $view_recording,
$action, array('title' => get_string('modulename', 'wiziq')));
} else {
$view_recording_link = "";
} else {
$view_recording_link = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
} else {
$dnld_rec = '';
$view_recording_link = get_string('errormsg_session_missing', 'wiziq');
$newwiziq->class_status = '';
$editclass = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php",
array('update' => $wiziq->coursemodule, 'return' => true, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$editicon = '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/wiziq/pix/edit.png" />';
$editconfirmmsg = get_string('editconfirm', 'wiziq');
$editconfirm = new confirm_action($editconfirmmsg);
$edit_wiziq = new action_link($editclass, $editicon, $editconfirm, array());
$deleteclass = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php",
array('delete' => $wiziq->coursemodule, 'return' => true, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
$deleteicon = '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/wiziq/pix/delete.png" />';
$deleteconfirmmsg = get_string('deleteconfirm', 'wiziq');
$deleteconfirm = new confirm_action($deleteconfirmmsg);
$delete_wiziq = new action_link($deleteclass, $deleteicon, $deleteconfirm, array());
$wiziqdeletedclass = get_string('deletefromwiziq', 'wiziq');
if (($newwiziq->class_status != "expired") && ($newwiziq->class_status !="completed")
&& ($newwiziq->class_status != $wiziqdeletedclass && isset($newwiziq->class_id))) {
$manageclass = $OUTPUT->render($edit_wiziq)." ".$OUTPUT->render($delete_wiziq);
} else {
$manageclass = $OUTPUT->render($delete_wiziq);
$delfromwiz = get_string('deletefromwiziq', 'wiziq');
$wiziq_expired = ($newwiziq->class_status != 'expired');
$wiziq_deletedformwiziq = ($newwiziq->class_status != $delfromwiz);
$wiziq_upcoming = ($newwiziq->class_status != 'upcoming');
if (isset($newwiziq->class_id)) {
if ($wiziq_expired && $wiziq_upcoming && $wiziq_deletedformwiziq) {
if (has_capability('mod/wiziq:view_attendance_report', $wiziqmodulecontext)) {
$attendencereport = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/wiziq/attendancereport.php",
array('id' => $id, 'classid' => $newwiziq->class_id, 'sesskey' => sesskey())),
get_string('attendencereport', 'wiziq'));
} else {
$attendencereport = get_string('nocapability', 'wiziq');
} else {
$attendencereport = get_string('classnotheld', 'wiziq');
} else {
$attendencereport = '';
$table->add_data(array($title, $start_time, $presenter_name,
$newwiziq->class_status, $manageclass,
$dnld_rec, $view_recording_link, $attendencereport));
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Hello özgür B.,
you can paste your custom code in the HTML&Widget object in step 3 in the program.
Unfortunately I cannot help you with the use of custom code, but if you have any doubts or issues on how to add them in the pages you made with WebSite X5 you can ask us. Generally speaking since the functions do not depend on WebSite X5, you can search useful information about the custom code with search engines like google or wait until someone on the community of Answers can help you.
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
Eğerprogramda3. adımdaHTML &Widgetnesneyeözelyapıştırabilirsiniz.
Ne yazık kiözel kodkullanımı ile sizeyardımcı olamaz,ama senWebSitesiX5ile yapılansayfalardaekleyebilirsinizkonusunda herhangi birşüphe veyasorunlarıvarsabizesorabilirsiniz.GenelliklefonksiyonlarıWebSitesiX5bağlıdeğilsiniz çünkü,sengooglegibi aramamotorları ileözel kodile ilgili faydalı bilgileraramakya dasize yardımcı olabilirCevaplarıtoplumabiri kadarbekleyebilirkonuşma.
Çok teşekkürler!