Website x5 professional 11 error 
Author: X5 Croatia
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When you import project made in v10 pro you 've got an error on aplication... Pop up picture backround unable to change colour... please fix it !
Posted on the
No answer??? Why??? This is serious flaw in aplication.
No problem here,
I opened a v10 project, made a showbox link in a page.
saved it, imported this in v11 pro, no problem in changing background colour.
Do you also have this problem on a newly made project ?
This is my bug in aplication... I can't change colour in that section...
Yes, I know but;
If you make a brand new project, don't change anything anywhere, can you still not change the background of the showbox ??
This way you can find out if it's a project problem or x5 problem, could you please test ? and place the answer here so we can help you further ?
Thank you.
New project, import project... The same error. I reinstal app but the same error... Maybe is error on my computer?!
Maybe it's a .net framework problem, try to upgrade to the latest version, I think it's now 4.3 ?
You can find info on this here:
Hope this helps !
Now i try all that i can't think of... Deinstal/instal app, deinstal net framework/instal framework... New project, import project... No use... I think this is a bug in aplication... Everything else work, just unable to change back colour in that section.
Hello X5 Croatia,
I also tested like Andre did and was able to change background colour without issue.
However, I am not doubting what you are saying, and perhaps your configuration is sufficiently different to ours to cause this error.
We shall ask Incomedia for their help. Please watch this thread for a response from them in due course.
Kind regards,
Thanks Paul,
It's very strange that it still does not work.
X5, can you tell us what kind of pc/ operating system is used ? This could help in finding out what's wrong.
Do you have other programs running on your pc that might interfere? (like macro programs or other maybe?)
Try to run x5 with as less other programs on your pc as possible, maybe it then works ??
Let us know. Thanks !
Win 7 sp1, new framework, I7, 8 gb work memory... I dont know why is this hapening?
Hello X5 Croatia,
The developers are already working on it. This happens only if you choose in the link options the showbox gallery.
Many thanks!
Thankyouadmitted thata bugin the application.I spent alot of time andpatience totryto fix it, thinkingthat the reasonmy computer.I have noopportunityto testthe appbefore buyingthoughI wasamong the firstwho sent therequest.I ammeticulous andI foundtwo moreerrors;I'llwait forthe nextupdateto see if itwillcorrect them.I do not wanttopoint outyour mistakesbecause you werefairandcorrectand thatyou give methe opportunityto testthe new version.I had tobuythe appto testyour mistakes...Never again.