I can't receive e-mails through Contact Form 
Author: Platon M.
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I can't receive e-mails and any other information through my website's contact form! The website's e-mail functions perfectly but it doesn't receive through this form. It's the first time this is happening to me and it's strange because I have built a lot of websites through x5!!!! I am also trying to read the relevant messages in here and they do not open either! Please help it's very important to be solved immediately. Thank you in advance.
Posted on the
I am having the same problem. Have created lots of websites before with x5 with out problems. Just uploaded a new updated site & cannot get any emails or orders??? Can you help please
You candomain.ext/adminto testwhetheremailsare working and whichversionofscriptsthey need, make surethephp5isenabled on the server.
Readthe Help for theprogram wx5 stillshould be thesettings forthe email form.
I make a email form with the help from jotform.com. Then i conect it with my new site and finito...... Thank you very much.
please give the link to the Homepage-Site with the situation
So,asI understand it,they do not wanta solution to theirproblem,butthe frustrationrid of them.
There are many causesforproblemswiththe emails,not alwaysfrom within the programWX5,where it is veryoftenaresetting errorof theiremaildata, butoftenwithserver settings,email settingson the server,theemail provider.When usingthird-party code,it can be quiteusefulto consult thehelp/instructionsof the third party.
I'm tryingto helpas a userofWX5andthe employeesofIncomediaenterduring office hoursinItalyassistanceto the solutionof the processes.So youdo not have toaskover the phone.I couldvariousproblems Ihadgettingsolvedhere.
PS:butalwaysas precise as possibleto keep trackof the situationare neededin order toprovide assistance.
Attention: All of you who has problem with the x5 form script, you chose the wrong webhost not the wrong website software.
x5 has a simple script for form and emails. you can set it depend on the php version of your host! as you see there is nothing wrong with the script. there were more than 30 people who had same problem, I told the switch your host to industry standard like nuluhost. guess what, they have no problem at all anymore.
btw, I agree with you, most european company don't have a good customer service, they either set up a forum or you have to send email to their support department.
Here in U.S. if the company don't provide support over the phone, we simply don't buy anything from them!
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
Good Luck
http://www.nuluhost.com (compatible with x5 program, 30 days money back guarantee)
Hello Platon,
Email issues can be diagnosed using the online control panel for your WebSite X5 project.
Please log in to your WebSite X5 online control panel here:
Your username and password is the 'Administrator' details which you have defined in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Access Management
Once you have logged in look towards the top left hand corner of your screen... you will see a link marked 'Test'... click on it...
In the new screen which appears you will be able to comprehensively test and troubleshoot your email settings. You will also be notified of any errors in your server configuration.
Let us know how you get on... we are here to help if we can.
Kind regards,