Full Calendar 
Author: John R.
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How do I enter in the Full Calander? I double click but nothing happens. The only calendar I have is on my iPhone and there comes all the birthdays that automatilsk will be transferred from FaceBook. I'll make a calendar exclusively with my photo tasks. How can I do it? With kind regards John
Posted on the
. . . read this post - or use SEARCH
it also works using *.ics from Mozilla "ReminderFox" . . .
Hello!I have triedseveral types ofcalendars, but itdoes not seemthat Ican correctthemwhen using theiPad.On myLapTopthere are no problems,the same goes formy desktop.IfIncomediacomeswith a calendarthatcan be editedbothonLapTopandiPad, then I'minterested.RegardsJohn
Perhaps you can buy the object 'Calendar'
I bought the object 'Calenda' and my problemm with that object is that Monday appears as the first day of the week. Can't use it.
. . . in reminder fox ( http://www.reminderfox.org/optionsdialog/ ) you can choose at which day the week starts. Did you check this as well ?