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byron peden
byron peden

After update in V12, program crash  en

Author: byron peden
Visited 1651, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I just updated x5 v12, and after making a few text changes to my site, the program crashed and now will not load the site when restarted I get the error " and error occured while loading the project. There is an error in xml document (7810,130). How can I load my website?

Thanks for the help again.

B Peden

Posted on the
Poul P.
Poul P.

My program freezes too. The preview wont show, just keeps loading?

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Posted on the from Poul P.
Luis S.
Luis S.

This is due to many bugs in the program, some of them are old, but most of them were introduced with the latest version.

For now all you must do is wait for the devs to release the next version.

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Posted on the from Luis S.
Claudio D.

Hello Byron,

Try to recover the backup copy of the project by following the steps on following page:

Use the procedure described for Evolution Version 10.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.