Google Fonts (Roboto) don't work. 
Author: Fabrice V.
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I use WebSite X5 Professional 12. I need to attach Google fonts (Roboto and Roboto condensed). i did all as manual (@import url, and others) and updates. But fonts don't work on another's computers (Howerver on smartphone it’s ok ).
what am I doing wrong?
Posted on the
Hi Fabrice,
I tried to see the error you reported, it seems to me working with the professional v12.
You have done these steps? 1-3...
I have not updated the software so my test with v. and the result is this: google font/index.html
Let me know if you have solved the problem
ops the correct url is here : google font/index.html :)) sorry
here is the scrrenshot ...
Thank you very much!
You're welcome :)
I have yet to insert the appropriate code in the Advanced settings / Statistics, optimization, seo and code / Advanced / Properties body tag
I use roboto throughout my site.
I found the easiest way was simply to insert the google font code into an html box in the header, this way, all fonts were immediately available on all pages on all devices.
Hi Esahc..,
I see your site in this way, see screenshots
You do not see the font robot.
Try to follow the instructions to insert google fonts on your pages ;)
What is more difficult in inserting the same hunger in a way that I have described?
Just insert it in another place.
A.Kris - I do not understand, the only font on my site is roboto, and it was achieved by inserting one single piece of html code in the header inside an "html block". The screen shot of Roboto from the Google/fonts site seems identical to me.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Then of course I selected roboto (loaded locally on my PC) on my local Website X5 where appropriate.
The program is updated, sometimes the updates have an impact on the performance of individual components. Copy the code put in place, of which i' write. Check the F12 page code and you'll see a link to googleapis the page code.