WebsiteX5 Pro 12 makes strange behaviour when I change to new laptop 
Author: Mior Ahmad Ridzuan A.Dear All,
Previously I'm using Sony Vaio with Intel i5 Processor, 8GB Ram & maximum display of 1366 x 768. I've no issue of strange behaviour when using WebsiteX5 Pro 12. But when I bought a new laptop and installing WebsiteX5 Pro 12 into the new laptop, I encounter a strange behaviour of WebsiteX5 Pro 12. My new laptop is Dell Inspiron 15 7559T with Intel i7 Processor, 16GB Ram & maximum display of 3840 x 2160.
WebsiteX5 Pro 12 will hanged after I execute 2 to 3 task. When I checked in the Task Manager, the WebsiteX5 Pro 12 is still working (no Not Responding indicator) but I cannot move to another task. Even when I clicked any button in the WebsiteX5 Pro 12, it does not respond anything. After trying many times the result was still the same. I've to force stop the WebsiteX5 Pro 12 using the Task Manager and restart the program again. Same thing happened again and again even I did uninstall and reinstall back the WebsiteX5 Pro 12 but it does not resolve the issue. I also have reduced the display to 1366 x 768 to see wheather it can work properly but the result still the same.
One more thing, I cannot copy paste my html code in my project. When I used backspace to delete the left character, first keystroke it will delete the left character. 2nd keystroke and above it will delete the right characters (kindly find sample issue in zip file attached). I've also WebsiteX5 Evolution 11 install in the same system but it's working fine without any issue even though it is running in maximum resolution display. No freeze, copy paste or other issues when I used WebsiteX5 Evolution 11.
I really appreciate if anybody that has the same issue which has been resolved or Incomedia technical support could help me to resolve this issue. Your help is very much appreciated.
Hello Mior Ahmad Ridzuan A.,
Please try to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps and then try again to see if you experience the same issue:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.6 and then click ok.
Check also all windows updates are installed.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
Do I need to restart my laptop after disabling Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and also Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6. Because after disabling Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6, Windows asking me whether to Restart Now or Don't Restart. Please advice.
Hi Claudio,
After following your advice, the same issues still occur even though I've restarted my laptop. No issue when I opened my Website X5 Evo 11 which is installed in my same laptop as Website X5 Pro 12. What should I do next to resolve these issues in Website X5 Pro 12? Please advice.
In this case please try to install the Visual C++ libraries you find under following links by choosing always the X86 Versions also if yout OS is 64bit and then test the program again:
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio... I've done whatever needed in you advice. But all failed. My final solution is to reset my Windows 10 back to default. And then I start installing back all my softwares. The first software that I installed was WebSiteX5 Pro 12. Then I installed my other softwares one by one. I manage to overcome the issue by resetting my Windows 10. Cause of problem is still unknown. Anyway, thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it.
Hello Mior Ahmad Ridzuan A.,
Thank you for informing us about the solution.
Many thanks!