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David D.
David D.

Need code to connect shopping cart to NMI  en

Author: David D.
Visited 562, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I use NMI (Network Merchants Inc.) as my credit card processor.  I don't see them on the Payment Type list in the shopping cart, so I assume I need to use 'Custom Code' but have no idea where to begin.  

NMI refers me to a list of shopping carts - see here:

Is our cart (Evoution 12) any of these?

Any suggestions?

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Claudio D.

Hello David,

You will need to use the custom code functionality in the the payment type section of the e-commerce.

The keywords you can use in your custom HTML code for the payment are:

[ORDER_NO] for the Order number
[PRICE] for the final price

You can also use these keyowrds to get the data from the fields filled by the customer:

Unfortunately I cannot help you with the use of custom code, but if you have any doubts or issues on how to add them in the pages you made with WebSite X5 you can ask me.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.