Frequent crashes after generic error
Author: Pulak S.
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Since past few days, website x5 12 gives me a generic error if i click to edit a page creation or download an image from online library etc. When i click on exit, the software crashes while preparing to save and exit.
How to stop these generic errors and crashes?
I use windows 7
Posted on the
Hello Pulak,
Please copy and paste all the text details from the error message(s) you receive, or post screenshots of them if you prefer.
Then wait for the Incomedia support team to assist you. They usually reply within 24/48 hours. Please note that their working hours do not extend over the weekend.
Kind regards,
Here is the text in details and attached is screenshot. The same results were found even when I had disabled the antivirus and disconnected from net as well.
02-Oct-16 4:40:22 PM [EXCEPTION] Could not load file or assembly \'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e, Retargetable=Yes\' or one of its dependencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) Jint at Jint.Engine..ctor(Action`1 options) at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.Helpers.JSEngine..ctor() at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.ObjectPluginApp.getJSEngine() at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.ObjectPluginApp.get_JSEngine() at WebsiteX5.BL.Libraries.PluginApps.AppInputField.GetOnCreateHookValue() at WebsiteX5.BL.Libraries.PluginApps.AppDropDownField.get_Options() at (Object ) at A.DMH.A(Object ) at A.JG.D() at A.WB.B(KJ ) at A.WB.A(AD , YC ) at A.WB.A(Object , ZC ) at (Object , Object , ZC ) at A.ZOE.A(Object , Object , ZC ) at A.LD.Z(YC ) at A.HE.JB(Object , EventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at Atalasoft.Imaging.WinControls.Scrollport.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 02-Oct-16 4:40:22 PM [INFO] wizObjectPluginApp 02-Oct-16 4:40:22 PM [INFO] Default Responsive - End 02-Oct-16 4:40:21 PM [INFO] Default Responsive - Start 02-Oct-16 4:40:18 PM [INFO] Loading Jint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e92ba9c8d81157f 02-Oct-16 4:40:11 PM [INFO] wizPageCreation 02-Oct-16 4:40:09 PM [INFO] wizPlanWebsite 02-Oct-16 4:40:07 PM [INFO] wizEditTemplateGraphics 02-Oct-16 4:40:07 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.WinControls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 02-Oct-16 4:40:05 PM [INFO] wizTemplateStyles 02-Oct-16 4:40:02 PM [INFO] wizTemplateType 02-Oct-16 4:39:37 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:37 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:36 PM [INFO] wizPredefinedTemplates 02-Oct-16 4:39:28 PM [INFO] wizTemplateType 02-Oct-16 4:39:23 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:23 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:11 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:11 PM [INFO] Cannot download and save the preview The remote name could not be resolved: \'\' 02-Oct-16 4:39:10 PM [INFO] wizPredefinedTemplates 02-Oct-16 4:39:07 PM [INFO] wizTemplateType 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 0 File captcha\\imcpa_hum.gif - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 2 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 99 File captcha\\imcpa_xc2.gif - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 3 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 98 File captcha\\imcpa_hzz.gif - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 97 File captcha\\imcpa_fjd.gif - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 7 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 96 File captcha\\imcpa_v5j.gif - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 95 File captcha\\imcpa_p4t.gif - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 94 File captcha\\imcpa_6ea.gif - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 10 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 93 File captcha\\imcpa_fp2.gif - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 92 File captcha\\imcpa_24u.gif - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 91 File captcha\\imcpa_rzn.gif - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 15 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_hzz.gif - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 90 Page 5 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 5 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Change time: 5 2016-10-02 10:39:03 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 5 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 89 Page 4 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 4 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Change time: 4 2016-10-02 10:39:03 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 4 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 88 Page 3 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Change time: 3 2016-10-02 10:39:03 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 3 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 87 Page -8 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Change time: -8 2016-10-02 10:39:03 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 87 Page -9 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Change time: -9 2016-10-02 10:39:03 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Waiting 16 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] 86 Page 0 - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:03 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 17 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 85 File style\\top.png - End 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 18 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xc2.gif - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 84 File style\\bottom.png - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 20 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_fjd.gif - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 83 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 82 File menu/sub_m.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_hum.gif - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 81 File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 32 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_p4t.gif - Start 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 80 File style\\bottombg.jpg - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_24u.gif - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 79 File style/ie.css - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_fp2.gif - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_v5j.gif - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 78 File menu/sub.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_rzn.gif - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_6ea.gif - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 77 File menu/sub_l_h.png - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 77 File style\\template.css - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 75 File menu/hor_main_c.png - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File style/ie.css - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 75 File menu/sub_h.png - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 75 File res/x5settings.js - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 73 File menu/sub_f_h.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File style\\bottombg.jpg - Start 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 72 File res\\imSound.swf - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l_h.png - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 71 File menu/sub_l.png - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 38 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_h.png - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 70 File res\\date.gif - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main_c.png - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 70 File res\\x5engine.php - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f_h.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 70 File res\\l10n.js - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_m.png - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 70 File res\\imLoad.gif - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 67 File menu/sub_f.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_f.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 66 File menu/hor_main.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Loading System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 65 File menu/hor_main_h.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/hor_main_h.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File menu/sub_l.png - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 43 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 63 File res\\x5engine.js - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 62 File sitemap.xml - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File sitemap.xml - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 62 File style\\print.css - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File style\\print.css - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 61 File res\\swfobject.js - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res/x5settings.js - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 60 File res/ - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 57 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res/ - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 59 File res\\expressInstall.swf - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\l10n.js - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 58 File res\\move.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\swfobject.js - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 57 File admin\\images\\ecommerce.png - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.js - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 57 File res\\imArrL.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 56 File res\\separatorv.png - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.php - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 56 File res\\imPanZoom.swf - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\expressInstall.swf - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 55 File admin\\guestbook.php - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imPanZoom.swf - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 53 File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imSound.swf - Start 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 51 File admin\\images\\evade.png - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\move.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\date.gif - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 50 File admin\\images\\icn_pay.jpg - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imLoad.gif - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 50 File res\\video_thumb.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 49 File res\\imArrT.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrT.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 48 File res\\exclamation.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrL.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 47 File admin\\images\\privatearea.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 63 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 47 File res\\imfolder_open.gif - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\video_thumb.png - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 46 File admin\\footer.php - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\separatorv.png - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 45 File admin\\images\\cancel.png - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\imfolder_open.gif - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 44 File admin\\blog.php - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\exclamation.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 42 File res\\key_go.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File res\\key_go.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 41 File admin\\images\\move_left.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 69 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\blog.php - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 40 File admin\\images\\icn_address.jpg - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\footer.php - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 39 File admin\\index.php - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\index.php - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 38 File admin\\css\\print.css - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\css\\print.css - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 37 File admin\\images\\logo.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\logo.png - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 37 File admin\\images\\icn_product.jpg - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\cancel.png - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 36 File admin\\images\\test.png - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] Waiting 77 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\move_left.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\ecommerce.png - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 35 File admin\\download.php - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 35 File admin\\images\\zoom.png - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_address.jpg - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 33 File admin\\website_test.php - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_product.jpg - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:02 PM [INFO] 32 File admin\\images\\move_right.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\privatearea.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 31 File admin\\images\\dynamicobjects.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\evade.png - Start 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\guestbook.php - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 30 File admin\\images\\guestbook.png - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 30 File admin\\images\\blog.png - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Waiting 87 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\download.php - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 28 File admin\\images\\icn_send.jpg - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\website_test.php - Start 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 27 File style/style.css - End 9 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\zoom.png - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 26 File admin\\login.php - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\test.png - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 25 File admin\\header.php - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_send.jpg - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_pay.jpg - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 25 File admin\\css\\template.css - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 25 File admin\\css\\template.css - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\guestbook.png - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\dynamicobjects.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 23 File res\\impage.gif - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 23 File admin\\checkaccess.php - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\move_right.png - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 21 File res\\imSwipe.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\blog.png - Start 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\login.php - Start 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 20 File res\\x5engine.offline.js - End 16 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 20 File res/ - End 17 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\checkaccess.php - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\css\\template.css - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 19 File res\\separatorh.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Waiting 98 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File admin\\header.php - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 18 File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 16 File res\\tick.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\tick.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 15 File res\\email_go.png - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\email_go.png - Start 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 14 File res\\imlogout.php - End 6 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\impage.gif - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\separatorh.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 13 File res\\imClose.png - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 13 File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 13 File res\\info.gif - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - Start 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 11 File res\\jquery.js - End 20 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 7 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrR.png - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 10 File res\\imArrB.png - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrB.png - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 9 File res\\imVideo.swf - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] Waiting 107 Threads 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imClose.png - Start 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 8 File res\\l10n.php - End 4 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\info.gif - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 7 File res\\imsearch.png - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imSwipe.png - Start 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imsearch.png - Start 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 6 File res\\x5cartengine.js - End 18 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 6 File menu/sub_m_h.png - End 8 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imVideo.swf - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 5 File res\\imImage.swf - End 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] File res\\imImage.swf - Start 19 02-Oct-16 4:39:01 PM [INFO] 3 File style/menu.css - End 19
Hello Pulak,
Try to follow these steps torepair the .NET Frameworks:
To repair the .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4 you need as first to use following cleanup tool to remove .NET 4:
Once done go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
This procedure can take some time to deactivate and activate .NET 3.5.1 and once done reinstall .NET 4 after downloading it from following link:
Please keep me updated.
Hi Claudio,
I did all the steps you outlined. Then I started the software. When i went to page creation section and inserted fb from social network widget and clicked to edit the object, the software again came up with the error message and then crashed.
please advise quickly how to rectify.
Hello Pulak,
In this case you need to reinstall also previous versions of .NET
Deactivate again 3.5.1 and then use this tool to uninstall .NET 4 , 3.5.1, 3, 2.5 and 2:
once done reinstall them in this order:
Framework 2.0:
Framework 2.5:
Framework 3.0:
Framework 3.5:
Framework 4.0:
Framework 4.5.2:
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
Despite following all steps, the problem came at reinstalling time.
I am sending the screen shot of the error message
Kindly advise what to do now. Even the websitex software doesnt open anymore . My operating system is windows 7
Hello Pulak,
From the error is seems you need to install .NET 2 SP1 first. You can download it from here: (x86)
Or here for the 64bit version:
Many thanks!
Dear Claudio,
I downloaded the product for my 64 bit sytem. Then to install it asked to switch windows net framework on or off. I had to restart the computer. I then again tried installing. It asked for switcjing windows net framework on or off. I switched it on. While installing it stopped and a window came up asking to repeat with recommedned settings. I clicked on it. The again installation attempt started.
Then same error message comes for this as well. That this programme cannot be installed on Windows vista.
Please advise
Also I have to tell you, that when I install Net framework 4 and then start your software, everything works fine except social media integration . The widget of FB loads, but he moment i click on edit or the fb icon, the error message comes and your software closes.
Is it possible that its is just the social media integration proble? As I can run and upload a ste created by your software without fb link
Hello Pulak,
The previous post error means the program is not finding all the SP1 components on your computer. About thr social media objects these uses functionalities which requires the .NET frameworks which seems to be missing in your installation with the SP1.
If you don't use these objects the program will work since not all objects use these components but I would suggest to try to repair the windows install to have all correctly working.
Many thanks!