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Chris S.
Chris S.

Upgrade Offer Debacle  en

Author: Chris S.
Visited 1823, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I just noticed that I could have got Pro13 at 50% discount already having Evo11, I wish you people at Incomedia would have let us all know about this before you start your marketing campaign, as I had just purchased Pro12 at 50% discount when this all started and I could have got my money back and went for the Pro13, which I should have done, only if I knew I had the option with an Evo11 and was under the impression the discount was only for Pro users, no point in doing so now as the 50% upgrade offer is now useless to me, so I will need to get my money worth out of Pro12 first and perhaps upgrade to 14 or 15, or perhaps not even at all and use my money to upgrade another very good web design software, where the developer is straight down the line in his marketing operations. This is something you marketing guys at Incomedia might want to think about when it comes to customer loyalty as mine has become very weak.

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you evr had a look in your profile  --> Offers for you ? Here you can find all offers for registered users.

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Chris, while you are looking at your profile you might like to click on Change use profile, my details. Here you will see a link "Edit your subscription".  Through the newsletter I was advised before the release of WX5 v13, and offered the discount with early delivery.  If you subscribe now there may be new offers?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Chris S.
Chris S.

Pcssa said: did you evr had a look in your profile  --> Offers for you ? Here you can find all offers for registered users.

Yes I did, that is where I notice you can upgrade to Pro13 from Evo11, I was under the impression you could only go Pro13 discount only from a Pro version.

No point bothering now, I will end up paying full price anyhow as I got the Pro12 50% discount just before Pro13 came out with 50% discount, why Incomedia offer 50% discount on Pro12 just before Pro13 was announced with 50% discount, only reason I can see is to get people to buy Pro12, and pay again for Pro13, anyway I realy dont need 13 as 12 will do what I needed it for, just a few small jobs, its the principle of the matter, horrible deceptive marketing to squeeze out the last dollar.

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Posted on the from Chris S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Chris - I agree, but you should subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss out on up-coming offers (& keep in mind that new versions normally get released about the same time each year :-)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Chris S.
Chris S.

Chris - I agree, but you should subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss out on up-coming offers (& keep in mind that new versions normally get released about the same time each year

I have always been subscribed to the newsletter, when the first early bird offer for 50% discount for Pro13 was sent, I noticed it stated this offer is for Pro users only, but later I find out that an Evo user can get the same discount. I give up with Incomedia and will now give my full loyalty to the other web builder software I use, as this developer gives 100% support to his customers and offer the same discount/timeframe, and also give free upgrade if the previous version was purchased within about 60 days of release of new version, and also personally answers all the questions to problems on the forum, now that's service.

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Posted on the from Chris S.
Sean B.
Sean B.

Apparently I can not subscribe to the newsletter because I did not buy a copy of the program? Correct me if I am wrong.

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Posted on the from Sean B.
Samantha M.

Hello Chris,

thank you for contacting us. 
I'm sorry that you are not satisfied with our service. I will try to explain everything as clearly as possible. 

I see that you bought your WebSite X5 Professional 12 version at the end of July, but version 13 was announced only at the end of August and released at the beginning of October. We sent a newsletter to all our users to inform them about this and every user had the chance to pre-order their software (at the end of August) with a special offer and receive it at the beginning of October, when we released it. Every user that has a previous version of the program had the chance to take advantage of the prelaunch special offer. And every user that has another version of the program has the chance until tonight at midnight to purchase thei new version at a special price. 

The special offer you can find now in your profile, to upgrade to version 13 has only been added at the beginning of October when we released the Software.

I'm sorry but it is not possible to inform our users when they buy their program, when the new version will be released.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write back. 
Thank you!

Wishing you a lovely day,

@Sean: Hi! Please feel free to subscribe to our newsletter in the bottom left hand side of this page if you like

I hope this helps!

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Sean B.
Sean B.

Thank you Samantha.

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Posted on the from Sean B.
Chris S.
Chris S.

Samantha M Wrote: I see that you bought your WebSite X5 Professional 12 version at the end of July, but version 13 was announced only at the end of August.

That is true, problem is I feel duped into buying V12pro tempted by a 50% discount on it,(perhaps it should have been 80%) only to be superseded by V13pro just one month later with 50% discount, so I actually would pay 100% all up, so why would I bother upgrading until at least I use V12 for another year.

Like I said previously, its the principle of the matter, V12pro will do what I need it for, mainly the Dynamic Content for some projects, I realy dont think I will need to upgrade any further as I have spent quite a lot on X5 since V9 and have not made the money back being such expensive software that still has many restrictions to create websites in a timely manor, perhaps V13 new features and workflow changes this, unfortunatley I dont think that I will ever find out.

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Posted on the from Chris S.