Where in the program do I put WORD 
Author: Theofanis P.
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Where in the program do I put <strong> WORD </strong>
My Regards Teo.
Posted on the
Normally I would say in a text object.
But I think I misunderstand, can you elaborate?
If you want the word in Capitals, then use capitals, if you want it in bold then use the bold button inside the text object (select the word you wish to change and press the bold button)
Or do you mean something different?
HI Andre
This says a program that I will do
have tried on the expert side but wherever I enter it, it is visible or change the website
Makes the first time the keyword appears in the content of this website is in bold.
If your content management system does not allow you to do that, try to edit the HTML code, and place the key between the <strong> and </ strong>.
If you edit the HTML code of a website, it should look like this:
<Strong> new truck parts </ strong>
My Regards Teo.
If I use these tag's on a word in the text object and set the html option on in the text object it is shown in bold.
Is that what you mean?
In text-object.
Yes that's what I mean.
Where do I do it in the program
In txt object... Or you need a custom code, in HTML code...
Like already stated, in the text object,
Serg gave you the button in red to use html in the text object.
So place it there, activate the red marked button and it should work.