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Maxroy AS R.
Maxroy AS R.

360 gallery object  en

Author: Maxroy AS R.
Visited 1268, Followers 2, Shared 0  

Hello, I just purchased 360 gallery to my v. 13, but it behaves like an ordinary slide showe. I use png files. It's a waste of money if it does not work, as shown in the promo you have.

Yours truly Roy Henriksen

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Roy,

Did you use images meant to be displayed on a 360° gallery?

Is it online to see it how it appears?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Maxroy AS R.
Maxroy AS R.

what do you mean with using images meant to be displayed on a 360° gallery? Can i use jpg. and they must be overlapping photographed? I tried just a random images! I'll try a bit with some other pictures and I hope you can answer me if the problem persists ..

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Posted on the from Maxroy AS R.
Claudio D.

Hello Roy,

This object creates a 360 gallery if you use images meant to show a 360 gallery. You will need to have more images of the same object from different angles so then the object shows it as it would rotate.

It cannot create a 360 gallery only from a photo but it needs a sequence of fotos of the object which are made rotating around it.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.