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Mike M.
Mike M.

Large vertical spaces appearing between horizontal rows. Also images mysteriously disappearing.  en

Author: Mike M.
Visited 2858, Followers 1, Shared 0  


Firstly, apologies for this long message.

Windows 7 Professional  64 bit.

I have a major problem with WebsiteX5 Evolution 13, since the recent updates, and it is driving me absolutely crazy. So much so that I can no longer enjoy using the program, or have any confidence in using the program when trying to edit, and update, web pages.

Up until the recent updates the program worked perfectly but since the recent updates...Jeeeez!!!

Problem 01

If I add images to a webpage, and then work on another webpage, when I return to the previous web page then some of the images will be missing.

Two things happen....The image object is still there but the image is either missing altogether and I have to locate, and add, the image to the image object again - or the image will be showing in the image object but not appearing when the web page is previewed. In this case I have to actually click on the image in the image object and then click on Edit and then preview the web page again to make the image once again appear on the web page.

Although this is annoying it is a problem I could live with - but would prefer not to have to live with it if you see what I mean.

Problem 2 - And this is the problem that is driving me up the wall....

For some unknown reason, since the recent updates, large vertical spaces, that I have not set, are appearing between rows of horizontal images, and other horizontal content, on the web pages I create - giving the impression that the images are contained within a much larger table when, in fact, they are definitely not.

Let me try and explain.

Before the recent updates, when I added a row of horizontal images and then added another row of horizontal images directly underneath - the exact vertical distance I set between the sets of horizontal images, by using a blank Text Object, was always correct. However, since the recent updates this is now not the case. If I add three, or four, rows of horizontal images - all with the exact same settings - then, on some of the rows the vertical distance between the horizontal rows of images is exactly what I set it to be and in other cases there is a much larger distance between the horizontal rows.   And by larger distance I mean sometimes half the length of the web page, or more.

As mentioned above, it is almost as if the images are contained within a much larger table when, in fact, they are definitely not. The dimensions I set in the blank Text Object used for the spaces between each row are exactly the same. Nothing has been added to the table settings on my part to induce this problem.


Even if I    DO NOT    add a blank Text Object between rows of horizontal images, in order to to create a space between the horizontal rows, and just add a row of horizontal images directly below another row of horizontal images - the program still sometimes creates a large vertical space between the horizontal rows of images of its own accord.


I tried to uninstall the program, and reinstall the program, with the intention of NOT installing the updates, but the program would not let me import the project without again installing the updates as it stated that it was created with a later version of WebsiteX5 Evolution 13 - obviously this is because I had created the project in the version of Websitex5 Evolution 13 that I had previously applied the updates to.

So no joy there!

I also installed the program on another Windows 7 Professional computer - just in case there was something conflicting with the program on the Windows 7 Professional computer I was originally using - but the problem still remained.

Apololgies for the long winded message but I really am desperatye to solve this issue and am just trying to coherently explain the problem.

A lot of the web pages in the websites I create in WebsiteX5 Evolution 13 are image based and call for posters, and photos, to be set out in horizontal rows with a consistant vertical distance between the rows but, at the moment, because of the problem, I am at a standstill. I need to be able to create the pages, just like I used to be able to do, with the images appearing with the exact distances I desire between the horizontal rows but, as this is no longer the case, I unfortunately cannot use the program any more.

Please can you get to the bottom of this problem and create an update that will prevent this from happening.

I use Windows 7 professional 64 bit and one of the websites in question is as follows:

You will see a number of web pages on this website that display rows of images - especially in the Theatre Sections - and these web pages were all created before the problem arose. 

I recently tried to edit some of the web pages with further rows of horizontal images but had to abort the process as I was getting more and more agitated with the fact that consistant distances between the horizontal rows of images could not be acheived and were out of my control.

Thanks, in anticipation of any assistance you, or any user, may be able to provide because, at the moment I can not use the program and my websites are at a standstill.

Once again, apologies for the duration of this message.



Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Mike, I had a similar issue to you second problem with 2 projects during the last upgrade (& the previous one).

One project was repaired by saving as iwzip and then opening the iwzip, but the other was a bit recalcitrant, with that one I took the following dramatic step. . . . .

NB You MUST save an iwzip before trying this in case it causes irrepairable damage.

I took the radical step of "crashing" WX5 by making a minor change, then ctrl alt del and using task manager to stop the program without saving. When I restarted WX5 and opened the project it told me I had not saved the project and promptly repaired it. All was well after that.

Good luck!

PS When browsing your site I noted that the images (especially the linked full images) took considerable time to load. Are these all large images and you are relying on WX5 to resample and resize? (I have found large images eventually cause some stability issues in WX5). If so, you may achieve a more responsive site by resizing all images to (for example) 1024px max width. If you have resized the images I apologise and hereby blame my internet connection :-)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Mike M.
Mike M.

Hi Esahc,

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

On reflection, I feel that my previous post was way too long so I will try and shorten my request for help whilst still attempting to explain the problem.

Before I continue can I just say that the problem I am having with the extra space being generated around the images has only occurred since the recent updates to WebsiteX5 Evolution 13.

It is only the images that I am trying to add to pages since the recent updates that are experincing this problem with the extra space below each image.

All of the images I added, and positioned on each web page, before the recent updates remain perfectly positioned on the web pages - exactly where I put them and with no extra space being added.

And this problem isn't just related to images. The same extra spacing sometimes occurs around text image objects as well as the the Contact Form. Again, pushing everything further down the web page.

The problem I have is as follows;

If I add a row of three horizontal images to a web page and then add another three images directly below them, the lower three images are being pushed way down the page by all of the unwanted space erroneously generated around the three images above them. For some reason, since the latest updates to the program, WebsiteX5 Evolution has now started generating extra vertical space around the images of its own accord.

All of the images added to the website before the recent updates are still okay and perfectly positioned.

It is when I now try to add some extra images to my website - since the recent updates - that the program just keeps adding the extra space around each row of images.

I have not included any space aroundthe images myself and, therefore, I am unable to remove the space that has been erroneosly generated.  Therefore, I am no longer able to design my web pages exactly how I would like to and can go no further with them.


Please note,

All of the images that are already on the web pages were put there before the recent updates so they are all okay and are positioned exactly where I wanted to position them. It is just the images that I am trying to add now - since the recent updates - that are causing the problem.


Before the recent updates I was able to position all of the images exactly where I wanted them - and as close to each other as I desired. But now, however, the program is adding space around the images without being asked to do so and, as such, because it has not been added by me, I cannot remove it.

In regards to the size of the images.

I actually create all the images at the small size I require them to be and, therefore, I do not rely on the program to resize the images for me. I resize them before adding them because I found that quite often, if I attempted to place some larger images on a web page - all with the same dimensions and within identical sized image object boxes - some of the images would inevitably display either larger, or smaller, than others - even though they were all the same size to begin with. As for the loading times of the images. They all appear immediately at my end. I use Firefox as my browser and my internet speed is 20mb - but I only actually get 12mb.

The main problem is this: 

I cannot solve the creation of the extra space being generated around the images by myself as I believe this to be a flaw in the recent updates and, therefore, I feel that this is a problem that has to be examined, and rectified, by the developers. The problem with the spacing was never there before the recent updates but it is now. All I would like is to be able to go back to the way it was where whatever I positioned on the web page actually stayed where I put it.

I regards to your helpful suggestion of creating the iwzip file. Thank you.

I did actually do this.

I saved the project file as an iwzip and then uninstalled Websitex5 Evolution 13. I then reinstalled the Websitex5 Evolution 13 and imported the iwzip project file back into the program. The problem was still there. I then installed Websitex5 Evolution 13 on a completely different computer - just in case something on the first computer was causing a conflict - but the problem still remained.

I have gone through the process of elimination and everything points back to the problem being with the recent updates.

Can I just add again,for clarity, that I have experienced no problem with the spacing of the images that were already on the web site before the recent updates. These are all fine and positioned exactly where I wanted them to be.

It is only the images that I have attempted to add, since the recent updates, that are experiencing this extra spacing issue.

Sorry, Esahc, I tried to keep this post short but have rambled on again. 

It is just that the web sites I create rely heavily on the correct positioning of images and, as I can no longer acheive this, I am theoretically stuck until the problem is sorted out by the developers.

Thanks agin for your help and also to any one else who may also be able to assist.

Thanks again,


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Posted on the from Mike M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

G'day Mike

Have you tried copying existing cells and pasting them where you want them?

Do the large gaps appear when you do this? (if not you could then replace with new image).

Could you create a temp directory on your site and upload the problem project to it?(domainname\public_html\temp)

(a picture is worth a thousand words perhaps)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Mike M.
Mike M.

Hi Esahc,

Thanks again for your speedy reply.

I have tried every which way to sort out this problem - but to no avail.

I have tried adding three new images in a horizontal row, with three new images directly beneath them, but the big vertical space still appears.

I have tried copying and pasting three images from a row created before the recent update (which are perfectly positioned ) but when they are pasted into a new horizontal row the big vertical space miraculously appears again.

Also another problem....

All of the rows of images created before the recent update apear as they should, and are positioned, and have remained, exactly where I placed them - and with identical spaces in between.

Unless I try to replace one of them....

If I delete an image ( from a perfectly positioned row created before the recent update ) and replace it with an identically sized image, then, although everything was perfectly positioned before I replaced the image - the big vertical space appears again after the new image has been replaced.

Also, if I attempt to change the title text under one of the images ( from a perfectly positioned row created before the recent update ) with a different title but exactly the same amount of letters, the same thing occurs.

It would seem that all of the content on every web page I designed, before the recent updates, displays perfectly and positioned exactly as intended - unless I try to make a change to an image or text.

And any content, or alterations, added to existing pages, or new pages created after the recent updates, are all affected by the extra space being generated around any content being added.


Thank you for the offer of looking at a temp file for me - which I will set about creating.

However, in the meantime I would really like the developers to be made aware of this situation and rectify the problem as soon as possible please, or in the very, least contact me about it, as I really feel that it is the latest update to the program that is causing the problem.


In conclusion, I am not posting this message in the Help Centre looking for assistance on how to use the program - such as how do I add an image? or how do I create a contact form etc? Although I have in the past received some very helpful information from other members in the Help Centre, including yourself, when presented with a problem in my early days of using the program.

On this occasion, I have to stress, that I have been using the program for quite some time now and feel that I know the program quite well and have become blatantly aware of some of its minor idiosyncrasies.

However, with all the help in the world from other members, including yourself Gordon, for I think your name is Gordon from previous problems you have assisted me with in the past, the problem that I am experiencing now cannot be rectified at my end - as I feel that it is a problem caused by the recent updates and a problem that has to be addressed, and rectified, by the developers.

In the meantime I am stuck with a web design program that I can no longer use and with clients on my back asking why important updates to their websites are not being accomplished - which is making me look bad.

It would also appear that I am not the only user affected by this problem, as I have seen a couple of posts where other users of WebsiteX5 Evolution 13 are experiencing the same issue since the recent update.

Thanks again for all your helpful suggestions,



I will also be adding a new post to the Help Centre - aimed directly at the Moderators or Developers - and directing their attention to this post.

Thanks again for your very welcome suggestions.


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Posted on the from Mike M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I agree with you Mike, this type of bug is extremely frustrating, especially when the majority of users do not experience the same issues (eg me :-). However, starting a new post may be counter productive, better to stay with one post per problem and then type INCOMEDIA, PLEASE HELP as a separate post.

Incomedia will need to see the issue (I wouldn't mind also), so please upload your "damaged" site to a temporary directory so they can see the issue, if necessary they will ask for an iwzip of your site so they can investigate further.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Sorry - the above entry should read

"better to stay with one post per problem and then type INCOMEDIA, PLEASE HELP as a separate entry in that post."

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Mike M.
Mike M.

Hi Esahc,

Apologies for delay in replying.

Thank you for your suggestions.

However, I have now found a workaround for the moment.

If I add a single pixel transparent border around an image then this seems to contain the dimension of the image.

As for the text...

If I add a couple of short lines of text as a title below an image then most of the time a lot of unwanted space is erroneously generated below the text which, in turn, pushes everything below it way down the page.

The way I have circumvented this problem is as follows:

At the end of the text that  I have included beneath an image, I have to press the enter key a fair number of times in order to send the curser way down the text object  - and then the back button to bring the curser back up again to just below the lower line of text - which gives me the space I require. I have to do this a few times before it creates the exact space I require but at least it does it in the end.

So, for the moment I can live with the problem in the hope that the next update on 21st March may cure the problem.

Thanks again for your input,




Below are links to two pages on the website that now display with the correct spaces between the text and images.

When you see how the images are set out, and how many there are, you will see why I need the spacing to be pixel perfect.

Thanks again for your help,


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Posted on the from Mike M.