How to buy the template webportal 36? 
Author: Alexander T.
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How to buy the template webportal 36?
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You need credits, you can buy them here in Answers, next to your name pulldown menu -> credits.
Once you have them you can select the object or template in x5, pay with the credits, confirm and that's it.
I want to buy only the template webportal 36!!!
Good morning Alexander,
thank you for contacting us.
I'm sorry, could you please tell me exactly what template or project template you are interested in?
I saw this one but I did not find a project named ''webportal 36''. I will do my best to help you as quickly as possible.
Thank you!
Hi Samanta M.,
please see jpg
I hope this helps:
Hello, Andre E please see jpg
Can you find it in v12? if so then you should be able to export it by opening it in the template section.
then the exported template can be imported in the template section of v13.
I have no v12 at the moment so I can't give you details, later today I can. But with above methode you should be able to get it in v13.
I have found it in v12, if you start with a new project and goto template selection choose webportal and horizontal menu on top, then select and download webportal36.
then goto custom library, select add if the template is not there, then select it and export it.
In v13 you can import it in the same way (template custom library)
Just note that the template is mad for v12 and v13 has different handeling of objects in the header and footer and for responsive. This means that you need to fine tune and adjust this yourself. (that is probably where the 4 credits are for)
Thanks, your last prtscrn helped a lot.
Andre E, I want only to have a copy this template. Please...
It is in v12, you can search for it the way I said and then you have it.
But I get the feeling you want the v13 version? I can't help you there. Maybe Incomedia can?
Or do you mean something else? With the credits you can also buy some nice extra objects directly in v13.
But I do not have the template v13 version unfurtunatly.
Andre E, I have bought the credit for $25 and have the template for $4 but I do not see it in WebSite X5 Pro 13!!!
check the custum library if not there then it is in the normal library select on top all templates and horizontal menu use first the refresh button on top to get the latest updates in you template library. Then you should see it and use it.
The custom library empty and not active!!!
can you select webportal in the normal library? You need to find it in there (after update/refresh)
Ther is no webportal!!!
Then it has another name, the name from the shop.Was it not Multi-Purpose ?
The webportal name was for v12.
It should be in the normal library then. under Multi-Purpose or with that name in the all library filter.
Sorry I have never bought a template from store so I am not sure here. But I know you can find it in x5 in the library part.
Hi Andre E, in my WebSite X5 Pro v.13 in the normal lidrery now there is NO new templates like Multi-Purpose or Shops or WebPortal including the ones I bought - for $4!!!
I whant to now who made this WebSite X5?!! Why so many problems and so many mistakes in it?! Are there no specific answers to the specific questions including of me? I'm ashamed of such specialists!!
This is not $4 but 25 euros for the credit!!!
Good morning Alexander,
thank you for your answers and for the information you have added in this post.
What Andre is kindly trying to tell you is that that particular template that you are interested in, has been created for version 11 of WebSite X5. This means that from version 12 onwards, it has been added into the " Default Template " section: Step 2 - Selection - in WebSite X5.
Please see my screenshots below:
Please let me know if this helps or if you need more information.
I have created these screenshots with the Evolution version but it works exactly the same in the Professional.
Thank you!
Hello Samantha thanks for your help.
It's called can we tell/know?
I have created an IDEA post to make a search in the templates, I think its a nice feature with all the templates at the moment.
Finally I got and opened this template. Thanks.
But this is NOT what I saw in the gallery of templates:
- see it and compare to 17-03-22 01.jpg!!! Is this cost for 4 or even 25 euros?!!
The template is completely empty! This is a fraud.
What I have to do now?!!
Give me please back the money for the credit - 25 euros. I do not need such the template.
Good morning Alexander,
glad you found what you where looking for.
Please let me explain: what you wanted is a ''Template'' this means that you only have the Template design without the content inside it.
It works the same for all the templates you see in our Gallery and in the Graphic template section. This has been mentioned in the first page
''All CategoriesDiscover all the Graphic Template that you can use to create your websites. Each graphic template contains an original graphic design but no content. Choose the ones you like best and download them. They'll be added to the WebSite X5 gallery, ready for you to use in your work.''
If you are looking for a project template ( this means the template design plus content inside it) please have a look into this section Some of them are also for free.
If you like, I suggest you use your credits to purchase the objects . These can give you the opportunity to create amazing content in your project. Hit on the preview image to see how they work.
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Thank you!
Wishing you a lovely day,
Good morning Samanta,
It is a pity that the template has no content.
My idea was to create a website based on this project
I need this project.
Can you help me with this?
Best regards, Alexander T.
Hi Alexander,
I'm very sorry but I can not give it to you, I do not have it.
If you select the template and apply it to your project, you will find that the layout is already complete. Now you can add the objects in your page:
I have created a screenshot to show what your layout should look like, I hope it helps!
Hi Samantha,
Thanks! I will do it.
My pleasure Alexander!
I hope this works for you!
Another hint: you can find lots of free icons online if you need them instead of the yellow ones you saw in the template!
Feel free to write back if you have anymore questions!
Thank you!