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Luca P.
Luca P.

Conversion project from version 8 to version 13  it

Author: Luca P.
Visited 176, Followers 1, Shared 0  


I have just bought the last Website Evolution version. I have inherited a project written with Evolution v8.

I have some ability to convert it at the last version?

If it's not possibile, is it possible to download Evolution v9 only for first convertion?

Thank inb advance for your answers.


Posted on the
Elisa B.

Dear Luca, 

thank you for your message. 

Unfortunately, WebSite X5 9 is no longer avaiable. Still, in order to convert a project from WebSite X5 8 to 13, I kindly ask you to keep this post public, so that other users can read it and kindly decide to convert the project for you. 

Thank you in advance, I wish you a lovely day. Kind regards. 

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Luca P.
Luca P.
Elisa B.
Dear Luca,  thank you for your message.  Unfortunately, WebSite X5 9 is no longer avaiable. Still, in order to convert a project from WebSite X5 8 to 13, I kindly ask you to keep this post public, so that other users can read it and kindly decide to convert the project for you.  Thank you in advance, I wish you a lovely day. Kind regards. 

Thanks Elisa,

Do You have the possibility, if I provide the zipped project file (*. Iwp) to your technical team, to convert so that I may import it into WebSite X5 Evolution 13?

Best Regards.

Luca Pession

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Posted on the from Luca P.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Best User of the month PL

... purtroppo è troppo tardi; ...non è più possibile! ... >>  assistenza scaduta

... però, ...prova a contattare > MirkoMirko Boschetti, ...oppure > ClaudioClaudio D., ... che spesso si sono gentilmente prestati volontariamente per la conversione...


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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Best User of the month ES

...ricevuta ora mail di richiesta conversione ...

resto in attesa del file wink

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Best User of the month ES

...convertito e rispedito.


Ovviamente dovrai mettere a posto il template, la testata ed il piè di pagina.
Specialmente dopo che avrai attivato il responsive, dovrai verificarli a tutte le risoluzioni.

Inoltre dato che dalla 8 sono stati fatti parecchi cambiamenti , alcune funzionalità potrebbero essere cambiate , insomma ci sarà del lavoro , ma ne varrà la pena.

Buon lavoro.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.