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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Update  en

Author: X5 Croatia
Visited 911, Followers 1, Shared 0  

In my case after this update all of my project lost in functionality...

1. Css settings crashed (everything is mest up, OMG WHAT A SCRUE UP)

2. Link to gallery pictures crashed (i can't link everything back, its a 1000 pictures, OMG)

3. My payed object is still not showing, otherwise i want a refund of my money if you dont fix this !!! Also my credit balance because this aplication is contantly crashing and not working...

4. Responsive design have so lots of bugs that i cant count it...

What to do next??? What... I have countless bugs more no use to talk abbout... Give me solution...

Posted on the
Elisa B.


I am sorry to hear about that. 

In oder to understand the situation better I need you to explain in the details what happens for every issue you have described: please give us as much information as possible, add error logs and screen shots as well.

As to number 3, I have replied you here: we can keep managing that issue there. 

Thank you very much in advance!

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Thank you for fast answer, verry strange. I just try to open the project and work, everything mest up and i dont have a time or nerves to explain to you what hapend, too frustrating... Just project's mest up. Css settings mest up... Why the payed object is not seen on the main window? I have a 37 credits still to spend on what??? Where is my allready payed object???

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Claudio D.

Hello X5 Croatia,

Can you please send me a screenshot of what exactly happened to the CSS of the project?

Did you add any custom HTML code in the project?

Waht exactly happens to the gallery link?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.