Shopping cart icon in main menu 
Author: Malcolm P.In X5 v13, following a tip in this forum, I was able to include a shopping cart icon in the main menu to view the cart by adding a new level with the following settings:
Menu level text: <none>
Settings: Hide the Drop Down Menu for this Level
Link: View the Shopping Cart
Options: Icon for the Menu item <shopping cart icon>
Not the most obvious or intuitive method of achieving what I needed, but it worked perfectly. I had tried previously simply adding a cart icon and link in the header, but this both adversely impacted on the visual design and caused further layout problems by changing its relative position at different resolutions.
Importing the original v13 site (.iwzip) into v14, the shopping cart icon in the menu has vanished (although clicking on the blank space where it used to be still goes to the cart).
The Options setting Icon for the Menu item is no longer present in the Level properties in v14 and there now appears no way to add an icon to the menu either in the converted site or by using the new menu object instead.
Is this simply a bug/omission in v14 or has the option been removed by design? If the latter, why?, and is there any alternative way of replicating the previous layout?
Thanks in advance.
+ 1
. . . did you read this about conversion to v14 ?
Kevin: I don't speak Italian, but using Google Translate and viewing the image attached to post 179087, this appears to be a different issue.
All I want to achieve is a menu item but with an icon instead of text, linked directly to the 'view the shopping cart' function. Please see attached screenshot from the v13 website.
Pcssa: Reading the conversion guide was about the first thing I did, but it doesn't appear to address the specific issue other than that 'new graphics options and effects mean that some settings in v13 are no longer available'. I've looked at the settings for the new Menu object and can find no equivalent to the v13 Icon for the Menu item option.
Thanks to you both anyway for your suggestions.
Hello Malcolm,
The icon option on the page has been removed but you can add an image directly in the header near the menu and add on the image the link to the cart.
Many thanks!
Thank you Claudio, but unfortunately that is not a satisfactory solution (I had tried the same thing before discovering the menu level 'trick').
The problem with your solution is that the icon looks fine in the desktop view, but is not locked in position and at lower resolutions/breakpoints it both enlarges of its own accord and moves around in the header relative to the other elements. In some cases it even overlays the other graphics, making a complete mess of the page header. No doubt some of that can be overcome by manually sizing and positioning the icon at every breakpoint, but it's a pain to do and visually messy.
The advantage of the previous v13 method was that the icon stayed at its original size and in place at the end of the menu, and simply wrapped with the menu at lower resolutions.
There is nowhere else 'obvious' to place the icon in the header of this particular site without spoiling the appearance.
No doubt Incomedia has its reasons for removing the option, but I can't see that it would have been hurting anything to have left it. Perhaps it, or something similar, could be reinstated in future? As it is, I cannot now convert that particular site to v14.
Any other suggestions would be very welcome.
Many thanks.
Hello Malcolm,
Since of the change of the menu in Version 14 to a standalone object which can be set in every desired position on the project, some functionalities have been changed or removed to make it work correctly.
I would suggest to open an Idea post to suggest to add this functionality in the new menu object so it will be taken in consideration by the developers.
Many thanks!
Thank you, Claudio.
I have duly added this as an idea post. I note that I am far from the only one with this same complaint.
Hello Malcolm,
This option has been added in the new beta channel update available after you enroll on
Many thanks!
Now it's OK!