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Jim R.
Jim R.

LuxCal Event Calendar  en

Author: Jim R.
Visited 3177, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I would like if possible a step by step guide for installing this calendar for website x5 14.  I guess I don't understand to run the installxxx.php script from the brower.  All it does is just open up the HTML code?  Thoughts.

  1. Download and unzip the latest version of LuxCal (file:, where 'xxx' is the calendar version number) in a temporary location. This file contains the following two compressed files: and Unzip the file and upload all files and folders to a web accessible folder on the server where you wish to install LuxCal. Keep the file for possible later use.

  2. With your Web browser browse to the folder of the LuxCal installation; it will redirect you to the installxxx.php script ('xxx' is the calendar version number) and show the Installation page.

  3. On the Installation page read the instructions and enter the calendar and administrator details and select "test" If all tests passed successfully, select "install/save".The script will create the SQLite database in the specified folder with the necessary database tables and saves your LuxCal version number and the database parameters in a file called lcconfig.php in the calendar's root folder.

  4. Launch the calendar by browsing to the calendar's URL to ensure the calendar displays properly.

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John S.
John S.

Hello Jim

The LuxCal calendar is not a calendar that is made by INCOMEDIA.

But it is very easy to integrate in X5.

Here is what to do :

Download the package from LuxCal :

The calendar is in 2 versions. An M-version and a L-version. The L-version is the easiest to handle ( M-ver is easy and L-version is very easy )

You unpack the file and upload the whole calendar-structure ( folder and subfolders ) to your server via FTP.

Then in the browser, you  write your domain name followed by a / and the subfoldername. ( where the calender should be located )

Then the installation page will show.

And you are done.

You can see something here :

You can see how to integrate in X5 here :

Hope this helps - else - write 

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.