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R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

All images gone after updating from v11  en

Author: R.J. Tuijnman
Visited 2015, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Deperately in need of help! After updating to version 14 my complete website made in v.11 has lost ALL ITS IMAGES! It's the website of a painting artist, so you can imagine the disasterous effect!
HELP! HELP! HELP! How to solve this problem?

I can open the prject after changing the projectfolder to the .11 version. But no images appear!

Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

R.J. Tuijnman

Did you follow the correct proceedure and export tyhe project from V11 to create an iwzip file, then open V14 and import the iwzip?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

Im afraid not. I updated the Incomedia X5 and openened the project...

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Posted on the from R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

Is tyhere any chance for a rescue now? 

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Posted on the from R.J. Tuijnman
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I am not sure. If you have backups, it may be possible to restore the v11 project, but because there are also backup support files in the project directory I would prefer someone confirmed it was safe to do so.

I will ask Incomedia to assist, unfortunately I cannot recreate your problem because whilst I created a dozen projects I never used the built in FTP program, so no backups were ever created.

Can you print screen the project directory and backup directory and publish here? Please include file sizes and dates in the screen shot.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

Here they are:

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Posted on the from R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

and the backups:

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Posted on the from R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman
R.J. Tuijnman

Sorry, wrong sorting in back-up-folder. 

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Posted on the from R.J. Tuijnman
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

R.J. - you should take note that I do NOT know how to recover from this situation.

However, if it was me I would try the following.

Open WX5 V11, highlight the project and then select duplicate (as a fall back in case what I do next causes more damage)

Now using Windows explorer I would copy every filename with a bu at the end to the original file name (eg. metadatabu.xml metadata.xml, librarybu.xml library.xml, etc) in the hope that the bu was from V11 and not modified by V14 (I guess this will depend on whether you opened & saved in WX5 V14 once or many times).

I would rename project.iwprj as projectbroken.iwprj and then copy the most recent backup up to the project folder and rename as project.iwprj, then I would attempt to open in V11 (in the unlikely event this works, export the project immediately for import into V14)

If this does not work, is there any chance at all that you once created an iwzip, or even did a full backup onto another device??

Good luck

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Good afternoon, 

please start WebSite X5 11, then open the project and check if the images are available there. If the project is correct, please export the iwzip file on Step 5- Export the Project. Then import it into v14. 

You can alternatively read this guide to restore the project:

Thank you! I wish you a lovely day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Elisa B.

Hello there, 

please send me all project files, so I can check if it is possible to recover it. Go to the project folder, which is usually under C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v11 - Evolution (yourusername refers to your Windows account) and create a zipped file of the whole project folder, then upload it online using this service: . Finally, select the link generation and write it here, so I can download the file.

I'm looking forward your reply, thanks.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.