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William J.
William J.

Menu bar not working properly  en

Author: William J.
Visited 2755, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi I have opened a project that was working fine then for no reason the menu bar has started to change the way it lets me select a page??

when I open the project and view in preview everything is ok until I click on the menu to select a page from a drop down list (sub level) before it just droped the sub level pages for me to select but now it moves the menu bar slightly left and gives scroll buttons at the right. If I use my mouse wheel I can scroll the sublevels. This is not the way it worked before.



Posted on the
John S.
John S.

Hello William

Could you supply us, with a link please ?

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Posted on the from John S.
William J.
William J.

Hi john, my website online is fine since I did not upload the change. It's when I view the changes in preview that the problem occurs. I don't want to upload the site and have this problem live. I have reloaded a backup of the same project dated before this happened and it still has the problem. It's as if the sub levels have changed from drop down to scroll bar? I have checked every page for code or a setting that might be causing it but found nothing. 

I have noticed that the preview works fine I.e. Clicking on any page that does not have a sub level, it's only when I click a menu that has sub levels that the problem shows.


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Posted on the from William J.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Can you create a folder on your website (perhaps use Filezilla or similar), then upload you new version to the folder so we can see the problem?

Perhaps even tell us your domain name so we can guess at the solution to the problem.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
William J.
William J.

Hi Esahc, I have uploaded a copy of the site to If you click on the links you will see the problem. after the inital sub level shows they change to a small scroll bar on the right hand side and instead of the sub levels showing it is a scroll option??

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Posted on the from William J.
Elisa B.

Hi William, 

I have checked on different browsers but I do not see the behaviour you have described, i.e. if I go on a Level, the drop down menu opens normally. without any scroll option. Please remove the files from the server, press CTRL+Preview, export the whole website again and press CTRL+F5. If you keep having this issue, please make a screenshot to show what you see. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

William, I see the problem, if the user first clicks on News it is visible :-)

Could it be that your menu is in the top row of cells across the top of the page?

It appears that there is insufficient space to display the drop down menu and I'm sorry, I can't reproduce the error (not yet anyway), but I have seen similar where drop down menu options get behind objects on the next row down.

(Before fixing the problem I recommend opening WX5, highlighting your project and selecting duplicate. I believe this is a bug and if I cannot reproduce it, perhaps your duplicate project could be sent in to Incomedia so they can fix the issue to ensure it does not happen to others)

Since the sticky menu appears perfect, can I suggest you make the the header (step1 template/template structure), the same height as the current stickybar, then go to template template content and remove all objects, now go to template/sticky bar, copy each object (one at a time) and paste in template template content. Your header should look identical to the sticky bar and work as expected.

Be aware that the height and content of the sticky bar is adjustable for every resolution, so if you wished you could make the sticky bar deeper and accomodate the 2 line menu. The same is true of the header, but you have to jump between template structure and template content for each resolution (I have one website where there is no menu, only a stickybar - it simplifies the process quite nicely, but of course the is no menu initially at the top of the page (fine for a single page website))

Please let us know if I guessed wrong or you still need assistance.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John S.
John S.

Hello William

How does your layout look for the gallery page :

It is a strange behaviour of the menu. It is like it was put in an iframe :-) , but I guess you just have the menu as an object on the top of the page - right ?

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
William J.
William J.

Hi folks, thanks for checking it out. Esahc you are correct. You have to click on one of the sub level pages first to see it happen. John I do have the menu as an object in the top cell of every page apart from the home page. I have the home page as a login page only. The menu object spans the width of the page. The website looked and worked as intended until recently when for no reason it started giving this error. I now cannot work on this project since it will cause the problem to be live on the website. I will try replacing them as suggested and report back. 


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Posted on the from William J.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


If you follow my advise your site will be great, but as I said, I believe this is an enexpected result of placing the menu in the top row rather than the header, and as such I reckon Incomedia will want to fix it. After all, one of the BEST features of V14 is the ability to place the menu object anywhere!!

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John S.
John S.

Hello William

Placing the menu in the top-row should not have this affect. I have placed manu menu-objects in the top row - and it works fine.

I have seen some other on this forum, having problems with the order of the menu's, but then the drop-down should disappear behind another object, and not be scrolled.

When hovering the page-menu ( items with menu's ) , I see a scroll-bar to the right of the screen.

The scroll-bar seem to have the same height as the menu-object.

Do you have made any special code for the menu-object or the page?

If not, then follow Esahc's advice as it then must be something that ned to be fixed in the program.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
William J.
William J.


I will be trying your suggestion and report back if it is succesfull. One point though. I need the home page to have no menu. it is just a login page. I created that page without the template. Thats why I used the menu object instead of putting it in the header.I take it that will still be possible? It would be a great idea to have the menu have a show/hide on the page.

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Posted on the from William J.
William J.
William J.

Hi John, no I have not added any other code to the site. It just happened out of the blue. I even tried a backup copy of the site that I know to be working ok but after running it for a while it started to happen again. I did insert a luxcal that you helped me with but this was on a seperate page and nothing to do with the menu object??

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Posted on the from William J.
Serg Linds
Serg Linds

[quote = "Уильям Дж."]

Привет, Esahc, я загрузил копию сайта на  Если вы нажмете на ссылки, вы увидите проблему. после того, как на начальном уровне уровень показывает, что они изменяются на небольшую полосу прокрутки с правой стороны, а вместо суб-уровней, показывающих, что это опция прокрутки?

[/ Цитата]

Обновление программы до последней версии. Или объедините объект меню и ниже объекта в одну строку.

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Posted on the from Serg Linds
Serg Linds
Serg Linds


Update programm to latest version. Or combine menu object and below object to one row.

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Posted on the from Serg Linds
John S.
John S.

Hello william

No - an iframe cannot cause trouble. Unless you NOT give the iframe a unique name, when styling it.

I have used the LuxCal calendar on many sites - never giving trouble.

And I see it is the Google calendar on the site you gave a link for.

I hope we find out what causes this.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Hello William

If you want to have a homepage with no template, I have changed an example here :

The homepage is made without the template but with an image in the top. As there is no template, no menu can be seen. If you however. click the image, then you can see the "rest" of the site.

( the link on the image is just so you can see some of the other pages )

The rest of the site, has the menu in the header. This way you will have no trouble, and you need not insert a menu-object on every page.

You could make it so, that the page users see when they log in, will be a welcome page ( )

Making it this way should make it easier to maintain, and it should cause no trouble.

It is just a suggestion.

Before you make any changes, you could follow Serg's suggestion, and see if this should help with the problem.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
William J.
William J.

Hi folks, well I have made the changes that Esahc and John have suggested and it is now working as intended. (So far)

I have also made the home page without using the template since I did not want a menu bar on it. Only a login page. At the moment It appears that my problem has been solved but I will wait a while before I mark it solved.

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Posted on the from William J.
John S.
John S.

Hello William

It will be a good thing on the home page, to make a link to the welcome page.

The menu that will be visible on all the other pages will have a link also to the homepage. If they click the home-page-item they will be on the homepage where there is no menu.

Then - if people are logged in, they cannot come from the home-page to the other pages - unless you have a link they can click on. 

When people are not logged in, then it will be no problem as you can let the login-procedure lead to the welcome page.

You could have the welcome page the only page that is not restricted.

Hope you understand what I am trying to tell you.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
William J.
William J.

Hi John, well I am happy to report that it seems that my issue has been solved. I will mark Esahc post as correct.

I have constructed the web site so that it can only be accessed by logging in from the home page.

This is intentional since it's only for a select number of members. Its not a public site that anyone can sign up to. When a member signs in they are directed to a disclaimer page from which they can view any page that they have access to. 

I have used your suggestion above only with a login instead of an image and it works well.

thanks again for all your help.

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Posted on the from William J.