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John C.
John C.

Image Generator Error Website X5 Evol. 11  en

Author: John C.
Visited 2054, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Help!!!! I am stuck!!!

When I log in Website Evl. X 5, I go to the banner of my web there is a white box with a message in it that says " Image Generator Error" and when I click on it, the POPUP come out, ask me to tell me what was doing with the intention to send Website X5 Team the error code. There is now way I can eliminate this box at all since the popup message keeps coming out and closing the Software.... 

The error is as follows:

29/03/2018 21:44:30 [EXCEPTION] InvalidArgument=El valor de \'0\' no es válido para \'index\'.  Nombre del parámetro: index System.Windows.Forms    en System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ListViewItemCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)     en (Object , Int32 )     en . .(Object , Int32 )     en ..()     en ..(Object , MouseEventArgs )     en System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)     en Atalasoft.Imaging.WinControls.Viewport.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)     en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)     en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)     en Atalasoft.Imaging.WinControls.Scrollport.WndProc(Message& m)     en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)     en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)     en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)  29/03/2018 21:38:23 [INFO] Saved! 29/03/2018 21:38:23 [INFO] Saving Metadata... 29/03/2018 21:38:22 [INFO] ---> 29/03/2018 21:37:48 [INFO] wizEditTemplateGraphics 29/03/2018 21:37:47 [INFO] wizTemplateStyles 29/03/2018 21:37:45 [INFO] wizTemplateType 29/03/2018 21:37:12 [INFO] Waiting 1 Threads 29/03/2018 21:37:12 [INFO] 0 Page 192 - 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End 9 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Waiting 22 Threads 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 183 - Ending... 9 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 186 - Start 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 185 - Start 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 97 Page 181 - End 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 97 Page 184 - End 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 181 - Ending... 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 184 - Ending... 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 184 - Start 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 97 Page 170 - End 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 170 - Ending... 21 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 183 - Start 9 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 97 Page 169 - End 9 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 169 - Ending... 9 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 182 - Start 24 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 97 Page 168 - End 24 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 168 - Ending... 24 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 181 - Start 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] 96 Page 172 - End 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Page 172 - Ending... 17 29/03/2018 21:37:11 [INFO] Waiting 24 Threads 29/03/2018 21:37:10 [INFO] Page 180 - 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Ending... 21 29/03/2018 21:37:05 [INFO] Page 85 - Start 24 29/03/2018 21:37:05 [INFO] 89 Page 24 - End 24 29/03/2018 21:37:05 [INFO] Page 24 - Ending... 24 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 82 - Start 22 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] 89 Page 16 - End 22 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 16 - Ending... 22 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 81 - Start 5 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] 89 Page -8 - End 5 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 5 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 80 - Start 7 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] 89 Page -9 - End 7 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 7 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 76 - Start 23 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] 89 Page -7 - End 23 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -7 - Ending... 23 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Waiting 79 Threads 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -9 - Start 7 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -8 - Start 5 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page -7 - Start 23 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 7 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 23 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 37 - Start 9 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 16 - Start 22 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 9 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 22 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Waiting 81 Threads 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 26 - Start 17 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 24 - Start 24 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 17 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 11 - Start 21 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 11 - Start 21 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] Page 0 - Start 16 29/03/2018 21:37:04 [INFO] 89 File images\\imcelbgp002_0_00.png - End Error: Image not available8 

How can I eliminate this at once!!! I can not keep working with this!

Kind Regards,


Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, I assume WX5 is opening properly, but when you select your project and open it you get this error.

Can you open other projects without error, or can you create a new project without error?

If so, it sounds like the project is corrupt.

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to where your project is stored, there should be a backup directory there. Enter it and if there are any files in it, get the most recent one and copy it up to the parent project directory.

In the project directory, rename project.iwprj to project-broken.iwprj

Now rename the backup project.iwprj

Try open your project in WX5 - did that work?

Please be aware that we will try and help, but v11 is no longer supported by Incomedia

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John C.
John C.

Hello Esahc,

First of all, the corupt file is one on the Banner of one of my proyects, the rest open perfectly, but when I am going to select the " Image Gerenation Error" to delete it, ( Since I cannot modify it) the popup box comes out and terminates the project...

Now, I would love to follow your instructions, but I consider you are not explaining this step, by step, So I will try and come back to you later and let you know.. 

Coninsidence or not, I recall, I have always updated WBSITX5 when I these type of errors before and this time I hope I don´t. 

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Posted on the from John C.
John C.
John C.

No Esahc, it did not work.

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Posted on the from John C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John - sorry, I cannot quite grasp the problem

To help me understand.

You can open WX5? You can open the project??

The banner - by this do you mean the header or a piece of html code?

IF you can open the project, why not simply delete the object?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John C.
John C.

Esahc, Please read closely to understand.


2) But on the BANNER of my web I created "a presentation" ( ON THE BANNER) for some ODD uknown reason, this  presentation has turn WHITE and SAY" IMAGE GENERATION ERROR" as LOGIC I tried clicking on IT to ERASE it, but when I click ONLY on IT, the WEBSITE EVOLUTION POPUP ERROR windows comes out and gave me the details I posted on my first discution. And I sent an email to WEBSITEX5 EVOLITION to " Help you understand the error easilys" ( As mentioned on the popup note).

3) NO I cannot delete the "Images Generation Error" and since it is on the BANNER of my PROJECT it Jeopardize my WHOLE project.

I hope you understand my dilema and this is a HUGE project redoing it, is a HASSEL and out of the question if WebsiteX5 cannot repair this I hope some sort of compensations since it is a SOFTWARE error.

This Immage Generation Error has happend on other of my projects throughout the last 10 years I have been your client , every 2 years updating the versions .... So please take this error seriouly and read between the lines. Understand my FUSTRATION.

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Posted on the from John C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, is the previous (working) version of your site online? If so, could you please provide a link.

From here on - please correct me if I am wrong.

You keep using the word Banner. To the best of my knowledge there has never been a banner in WX5 other than by the use of 3rd party code. Without opening "the banner" can you select it and delete it? If this solves the problem, then simply recreate it.

Does this "banner" call images from the internet? (I recently became aware of a change with google photos that stopped some slideshow viewers working).

Where did this banner code originate?

If this is third party software (html code or a called application) Incomedia are not allowed to assist, and in any case, support for v11 has now ceased.

You say you have had this issue previously. How did you fix it and what was the cause?

I do not work for Incomedia (if I did I would not be trying to assist), I am simply a user like yourself.

I look forward to a link to the existing (working) website.

Have a great Easter

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John C.
John C.

When I say " Banner" I meant the Heading... It the very first are when. I do my work in Spainish it called the "Encabezamiento Area" the very first place of the Proyect ( Above or Below the botton, depending on your selection) the very TOP of your web. If I have confused you, I am sorry. It is NO thrid party Banner.

The image I have uploaded if from my PC to creat a presentation image of 5 diffrent images. It is this, the PRESENTATION Image that has turn completely into white and say on it " Image Generation Error" and when I want to delete it, the annoy WBSITEX5 Poppup message comes out and tells me it has to "Shut down" the sofware and save my last work... 

And when I reboot, I get the same issue... Until I get very stressed and fustarted and ADMIT that for as long as I try to correct this, I get the feeling i must to the WHOLE web over again... Because there is NO option to atleast deleat the whole heading, atleast not on V.11.

And Here you find me re-doing my work on an old project I had from 15 month ago for this site, since there is no solution.

By the way, there is nor BACKUP directory in my PC, I recall updating 3 hours before my job and it DIDNT work, the date on the backup was Jan 3rd 2017.

When I had these IMAGE GENERATION ERROR ISSUE... I always BOUGHT your latest version and it resolved it.

Now this is not going to happen.

On the other hand, WHY does it ask me to send you the LOG ERROR, which I did, I thought it was more than enough for you to investigate the problem and lead to a solution.

Waiting you responce.

Kind Regards,


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Posted on the from John C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, thank you for explaining, I now understand.

I opened my old v11, added a slideshow to the header as you say you have done, to remove it, simply select it and press delete.

After deletion, simply add a new slideshow object and add the pictures. This does not require recreation of your site, simply replacement of the slideshow in your header. It appears you may have a corrupted image in the existing slideshow.

A backup will only be created if you use the built in FTP process under export and upload to the server, if you use a 3rd party FTP (eg filezilla) there will be no backup made. Any backups that previously existed will never be deleted by the program, if they are gone either they have been moved or deleted, or perhaps the default location has been changed. The only totally reliable form of backup is now and always was to export the project and create an iwzip, stored in a safe place (off the PC), this is bullet proof and necessary if you ever choose to upgrade.

The option to send a log error to Incomedia is built in to the program, but this is now redundant because support for v11 has well and truly ceased. Incomedia will not view these files to my knowledge, and of course I can not because I do not work for Incomedia.

If problems still persist, please post a link to your existing website in case it assists us.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..