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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Backup is unreliable - please implement export to iwzip as a backup  en

Author: Esahc ..
Visited 3115, Followers 1, Shared 0  

The option to make a backup in the Professional Version (down arrow next to Save, Backup now) is welome, the reminder to do a backup is almost helpfull (why doesn't the software just do it?), the backup being created on upload to the internet (all versions) is welcome, but the backup cannot be relied upon when the error message is "Error while opening project. XML Document (0,0)"

PLEASE remove the existing backup option and replace it with the current "Step 5 Export, Export Project" to create an IWZIP file. It would not take too much imagination to make these IWZIP files incremental with a date or version.

It is embarrassing to see users loose hours, days and weeks of work when the simple creation of an iwzip file of the project would offer the ultimate protection against the foibles of Microsoft, the ineptitude of users and fate (eg. power failure during the save process)

The backup (creation of iwzip) should happen automatically before any upload (irrespective of version), automatically after successfully opening (this could  optionally be disabled in the professional version) or created optionally via down arrow next to save in pro. It should by default be limited to the most recent 3 backups (which could be overridden in Pro versions), and in the pro version it should optionally verify the backup has been created without any corruptions.

I dread "Error while opening project. XML Document . . . ."

I have seen it twice. I was able to recover once (the first time I had no iwzip file to fall back on)

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Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.


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Posted on the from Aleksey K.
Andre E
Andre E


The error needs xml document ..... 

Needs to be handeld correctly without loss of project. See that the xml file can be remade from anytime or backup up it seperatly, I don't know just do some ideas. But make it that this error does not lose projects, it is also very bad commercialy.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

With every other software package I have ever used, the backup/s could be taken to new hardware and simply opened. This is not possible with the current WX5 backups, there are too many dependencies not included. Users should be actively told not to rely on backups at this time.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John S.
John S.


Knowing that you do not have a backup, is better than having a backup that is useless.

The backup should create a iwzip OR the "backup" function should be removed.

Real webmasters don't make iwzip's - they just cry when the "backup" is used.

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Posted on the from John S.
FABRE Danielle
FABRE Danielle


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Posted on the from FABRE Danielle
Andre E
Andre E

@ Incomedia

Can you please respond and pick this up with high priority! Eshac has made a very good point.

One poster after another have these error's and all can start from scratch if they don't have a backup from export project.

I am backing up from now on constantly with export project because I am starting to lose trust.


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Posted on the from Andre E
Elisa B.

Hi guys, 

thank you for your suggestion, I confirm it has been reported, so it can be taken into consideration for the future releases of the software. Unfortunately, I cannot assure you if and when the Idea will be implemented, but in case I will surely personally let you know. 

Thank you again! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.