Author: John M.
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Good Day
it is posible to download this font to website x5 profesional
Posted on the
Good Day
it is posible to download this font to website x5 profesional
Hi John,
The font you have mentioned ressembles to some Website X5 fonts.
The font names are 'Homemade apple', 'Nohting You Could Do', 'Meddon', 'Bilbo Swash Caps'
Thank you
Hello John.
In Model Settings \ Text Style, Fields and Buttons \ Text Style ... Use the Font drop-down list and choose the "Other type of characters" option. Indicate where you downloaded your font and add it. It will now be available in the Font drop-down list.
Some reading ...
Hello Prevot
let me try it
Hi Prevot
esh can`t find model settings \ Text Style, Fields and Buttons \ Text Style
Thanks im sorted