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Gerard V.
Gerard V.

Incostars  en

Author: Gerard V.
Visited 1807, Followers 1, Shared 0  


I loved the site of incostar sartori. I wonder how he managed to make the part with the on the left a picture of a violin and on the right a picture of 3 violins. I am interested how he made the adjustments of the parallax on the left hand (full screen) and the picture on the right.

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Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.

Use row background full width (left side : half background is image and right side this image is white color). Row contain 2 blocks : both text object. Add text and needed images (png) in text block. Both blocks have transparent background. 

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Posted on the from Aleksey K.
John S.
John S.

Hello Gerard

I guess it is made by having the "static" image as a backgrounf for the page.

Then the image with the 3 violins is a png where the left part only has the text and the rest is fully transparent - the right part of the png is "normal" - or the left part is a text object with transparent background, and the right part is a normal image. I think it is made that simple.

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Posted on the from John S.
Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.

the secret was in using image overlay in the stripe style settings

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Posted on the from Aleksey K.