Fixxed background not working for mobile on new update 
Author: Michael M.
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my page is set to fixxed background for mobile resolution but the function has stopped working with new update 17.0.12
Posted on the
four days and no help
or reply
Michael, you you provide a link to your page online?
Both sites looked like clickbait to me, so there was no way I was accepting a cookie policy and then looking any further. Someone else can help out here, but not me sorry.
Michael, have you tried an alternative browser on your phone?
I checked your site on a PC with both Firefox and Chrome. In firefox the background image is full height and full screen for every resolution. For chrome the background is full width centred and repeating.
On my phone Firefox is as expected (both portrait and landscape), but on the phone through chrome the background is not there in portrait mode and is only a centered background image in landscape.
This appears to be a problem with the browser and not WX5
How are you placing the background image? Is it page background set in template structure (fit screen/tiled/repeat??) or is it set in row formats. I suspect page background, so try row formats??
everything was working until i updated so i dont think its a problem with the browser

the fact the fixxed background isnt working on any browser for mobile
i think means it's a problem with the program not the browser
Updated from what version? V15, v16, v17.0.11, v17.0.8,?????
What phone/browser are you using and if IOS, which release?
Are you willing to try an alternative way of placing the background? Have you considered using a different pic specifically sized to fit page background specifically for multiple mobile phone resolutions (pro lets you add resolutions).
I'm using my Samsung Galaxy S9+ (Android) galaxy browser, google chrome browser, edge browser and duckduckgo browser all of them are showing that the fixxed background feature isnt working even though it's enabled in the X5
Michael, if you will not try alternative means of placing the background image I cannot assist. I am aware that certain functionality has been disabled by many browsers on mobiles in order to reduce bandwidth, I am also aware that some browsers do not support the new css grid in WX5 but I thought this was only for older browsers. You say it used to work but you have not advised in which version this was the case.
I upgraded from X5 17.0.11 to X5 17.0.12 it was working fine before i upgraded
Good luck with displaying background using alternative techniques, but ignore edge.
Hey Esahc, did you mean ignore IE instead of edge?
A little more info and why some people are having issues.
Scroll down on the 2nd to see supported browers.
Kind Regards
Donald, I did mean Edge (it actually says Michael's site is not supported), but of course IE should never be used.
Edge will rise again, I understand a new version built on Chromium is in the works :-)
Hi Michael.
I believe the background you place before was either different or it probably was a different functionality that you tested in the older version, because I can confirm that the Fixed Background should NOT be working on mobile.
This is due to the fact that the specific functionality that the Fixed background makes use of is disable by default on mobile devices. This means that it simply cannot be displayed like on desktop, and for this reason, the image will instead by displayed differently.
Are you sure you didn't use a different image, perhaps one where this was less likely to be notice before?
Verify this and keep me posted
Thank you
... EXTRA, works? >>