Hebrew Language Starts From Right To Left 
Author: KFIR O.
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And software can not change the settings of mail to start writing like that in Israel
Do you have a solution? It should get updated to match the Israelis
As in the example image
Posted on the
Hello Kfir!
You are right! Their isn't an option in the program that gives you the chance to move the text you add in the email form, on the right hand side. I will inform our WebSite X5 creators about this! Thank you for pointing it out!
In the meantime, you can achieve the same result by adding an HTML and widgets object in the page you have the email form, and by adding the folllowing code in the ''expert'' section: ''form label { text-align: right; }''.
I learned a QA
And I think your software is very successful in almost no problems
Aside from the Hebrew language compatibility
Great! I'm glad to read that!
Why don't you tell other users that you like our program by posting a ''praise''? We'd love that!
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Thank you!
I tried to do what you wrote to me explaining about the temporary solution
And I can not understand can you explain this step is simplified
First of all, I wish to thank you for posting the praise! We really appreciate it!
Ok, I will try to be as clear as possible:
''form label { text-align: right; }'' in the HTML code tab (as soon as you open the object) in the expert section.
Google translate:
קודם כל,אני רוצה להודותלך עלפרסוםשבחים!אנחנו באמת מעריכיםאת זה!צחוק
אוקי,אני אנסהלהיות ברורככל האפשר:
נכנסאותו דףשהוספתאת הטופסדוא"ל
להוסיף''HTML ויישומון''אובייקטברשתבעמוד- שלב3 (בכל מקום שתרצה,זה לא משנהאיפה שמת את זה)
לפתוח את האובייקטHTML ויישומוןולהוסיףאת הקוד הזה''תוויתטופס{text-align: right;}''בלשוניתקוד ה-HTML(ברגעשאתה פותחאת האובייקט).
לבחור''''המקדימהאישור.הטקסט שלךלאחר מכן ניתן יהיהמיושרלצדימין שלהטופסהדוא"ל שלך.
I followed your explanation and it still does not work maybe I did something wrong?
I added a picture so you can see what happened
I'm sorry for making you wait. Please look at the attached screenshot, maybe it can help.
Thanks it works helped me a lot it works
But another problem is the submit button the email is not possible to write thesoftware and it appears always empty French picture and marked the black circle problem
Hi! Please look into Step 0, what content language did you select? If you have it in english, please feel free to change what is written for your buttons in the email form object (reset and send) into hebrew. Then test your page.
Thank you very much for helping
You're the best
It works
Great! Thank you KFIR!
Enjoy your program!
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