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Vahid B.
Vahid B.

Html And Widget Margin  en

Author: Vahid B.
Visited 3522, Followers 2, Shared 15  

I am trying to have a part of a web site displayed into my website ( like to have part of Yahoo on your left top corner of your web site) I can do this with a HTML and Widget function and type this code:

object data= width="600" height="400"> </embed> Embedd a web page within another web page. -object

 And I will have 100% of the web page displayed on mine. My problem is, I don't want the whole website be displayed. I just want part of that website to be displayed so I need to type the right "FRAME" size. The sizes that I can give via the properties option is just for height and width of the frame, but I need a top, left, right margin as well to adjust the frame for the right look( with that I want to remove the Menu panel and information that I don't want to be displayed on my page from the another web page) I can open the read the ready HTML file in dream viewer and edit the HTML code, but I don't know where the frame sizes are and what should I add to the codes. Please Advise

Please note: I'm not talking about the margin settings on my page, I'm asking the margins for the HTML and Widget Object.

Please Advise

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . are you shure that your code is HTML 5 valid ?

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Vahid B.
Vahid B.

Sorry, this is the right code :

<object data= width="783"height="1600"><embed src='  width="780"height="16000"></embed>Embedd a web page within another web page.</object>

Please help

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Posted on the from Vahid B.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You need an iFrame........ do this:

<center><iframe src ="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="1600" scrolling="no">   <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe></center>

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man