Usunięcie strony z galerii stron 
Author: Andrzej K.
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Dodałem witrynę do galerii - nawet google ja zaindeksował -
Została usunięta - pytanie do Promise lub Incomedia - dlaczego?
Posted on the
Witaj Andrzej,
Proszę podać adres strony, którą umieściłeś w galerii.
Author - zresztą google już ją zarchiwizował w kopii.
Witaj Andrzej,
Przekazaliśmy Twoje zgłoszenie producentowi, poinformujemy Cię w tym wątku jak tylko otrzymamy odpowiedź w tej sprawie.
Hi Andrzej,
I am sorry for this situation.
Please consider that the websites that are submitted to our Gallery must be first approved according to some specific criteria. One is the content of the website: in your case, your contents, specifically those referred to fur products, might have affected the personal sensitivities of the other users. Therefor, it has not been possible for us to approve it.
Please let me know if you have any doubts, I am at your disposal.
Cześć Andrzej,
Przepraszam za tę sytuację.
Proszę wziąć pod uwagę, że strony internetowe, które zostały przesłane do naszej Galerii, muszą zostać najpierw zatwierdzone zgodnie z określonymi kryteriami. Jedną z nich jest zawartość strony internetowej: w twoim przypadku Twoje treści, w szczególności te odnoszące się do produktów futrzarskich, mogły mieć wpływ na wrażliwość osobistą innych użytkowników. Dlatego nie mogliśmy tego zatwierdzić.
Daj mi znać, jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, jestem do Twojej dyspozycji.
Are you crazy- it is 100% legal activity and there were no affect for sensitivities of the other users (pictures of chinchilla? - there is no blood, no pain, nothing prohibited) so you have no right for erase of this website. I am waiting for its come back because it is according to all EU rules.
Hi Andrzej,
I completely understand your point, but please consider that, as reported in the Terms of Use you have accepted when subscribing to Help Center, §4.2:
"Incomedia reserves the exclusive right and faculty to change and/or delete, for any reason, at any time, without notice or authorization, and at its complete and exclusive discretion, messages or any other User Contents that may be deemed disputable, improper or otherwise contrary to the present Terms of Use [...]"
You can find more information here:
Please let me know if you need any further information.
I don't give up. There is nothing "disputable, improper or otherwise contrary" at this website so I will find legal way for forcing you to do it if you hava a mind like stupid kids from ecology organization.
By the way - why you are so hypocrites and allow for websites with natural furs and coats - do you know how are they made???
Hi Andrzej,
unfortunately that we have considered the website in question might have affected the personal sensitivities of the other users and consequently removed it from the Gallery of our property following the §4.2 section of the Terms of use WebSite X5 Help Center / Marketplace document reported above. The terms and conditions reported in the document have been accepted by you at moment of the registration on our Help Center. According to this section, we have as owners of the website the right to decide the contents which can be published. Please don't get us wrong, this is not an action we're carrying out against you: other websites with contents we don't consider to be appropriate for our Help Center Gallery have been also removed in the past.
A possible solution could be to inset the website in our Gallery as not active, so it can be linked to your profile anyway.
Thank you for understanding.
So delete all my websites from my profile and i will never publish any of my websites in your gallery for advertising your programm.
Gratuluję postawy!
Ja już kilka razy dostałem napomnienie, że mój wpis jest "highly offensive". Incomedia nie lubi krytyk i "prawdy w oczy". Żałosne...
Usunęli te strony?
Na razie nie usunęli, ale nie odpuszczę - robię za ich pomoc techniczną, reklamuję ich program (swoją drogą robię wszystkim stronom aktualizację z usunięciem informacji o tym w jakim programie zostały zrobione) i za to takie podziękowanie, że oni mogą wszystko a ty łaskawie im przytakuj, bo oni chcą być bożkiem.
Hi Andrzej
are you referring to and ?
If you want to, you can simply set them as not active, so they will not be visible. Still, if you prefer, we can remove them: can you please confirm how you prefer to proceed?
Thanks! Kind regards.
I thought that the Italians are smarter people. YES, I want to remove them as well as I remove meta tag information about generator from all websites by next updates and from all new ones.
Hello Andrzej,
I confirm your websites have been removed from our gallery as you requested.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
Kind regards.