One Last Time on Payment Processing 
Author: Garry FaegenburgI am going to throw this out there one last time, since in the next few months, it will be time to consider paying the support fee for new updates.
I can't tell you how much I LOVE this product for it's ease of use, especially to those of us who are not Web Developers by nature.
Yet my continued frustration level with inegration for payment processing, because my business type prevents me from playing with the lies of PayPal and Amazon Pay, etc. (Firearms Manufacturer & Dealer).
Until you folks address what should be a reasonable expectation to provide folks like me, a way to seamlessly show my products on the Shopping Cart Checkout and then into the Payment portion, I won't even consider renewing my product support.
You folks are SO CLOSE to being the NUMBER ONE Web tool out there, yet the failure to address a simple standardized way to flow into the payment processing for all of us, is sad in my opinion.
I know it is not a simple topic to address. But it you just make an API interface between the Checkout and Payment, EVERYBODY would be able to make use of your tool.
I offer the most prolific use of this concept, since I spent my career as a Systems Programmer in the IBM AS/400 platform.
Dr. Frank Soltis, Chief IBM Scientist who created the platform, designed a Machine Interface layer, between the Hypervisor, and the Operating System. This allowed complete isolation between ALL hardware changes on the low side, to all OS and Licensed Program Products on the Top side. The M/I inerface never changed, yet both OS and hardware changes could happen at any time independent of each other in order to implement new technologies. Sheer brialliance!
You guys can approach this the same way. Make an API, with documentation, so that we can pick and choose what stuff we need from the Checkout Information to feed into the Payment Processors. Nearly EVERY payment processor has similar required data that needs to be fed to it to make an automated transaction. Some need more specifics like Authorize.Net which is what I use. But they ALL have similar characterisitics.
If you don't have he staff that can write this, hire a payment processing specialist, lie the guy I mentioned in a previous discussion on this topic. Would be a solid investment in my humble opinion.
HELP US! Sorry, but the product works so well for me now with this one exception, I see no need to spend another nickel until this issue gets addressed.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
@ Garry
I share your frustration - I can not use PayPal and others because my local currency is not supported.
Garry, since I can not write some stuff on the forum - please e-mail me on my PM:
please let me know if you get my reply (sent to you today, Monday).
It was a EU IP issue - and I could not send you my reply via my e-mail for several hours...
If you have not received it - please let me know by replying here.
Hello Garry
I apologize for the trouble the lack of such functionality can be causing you.
The necessity of having further methods of payment available in the software has been made known by several users now and the developers are informed of this.
A comprehensive list of possible candidates has been sent to them too so that the choice can be made easier. I assume you were looking at Authorize.NET specifically since you mentioned it in another topic. I'll make this known too
Unfortunately, I have to confirm that for the moment there's no news on this and I am unable to provide any kind of insight on when this might be discussed or be considered. Just be sure that the information has been received correctly so that it can be discussed upon when possible
I thank you for your words towards the software and wish you a pleasant day