Link menu international telephone number 
Author: Andre E
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Hello Incomedia,
Could you please make the link menu available for international telephoone number use?
For your mobile contact object you can set an international numer in the whatsapp link , like +3212345678
But in the normal link window, if you use caalmessage option and select phone or whatsapp you are not aloud to use the + sign. This seems strange because it's very common to use for international calling.
Can you make the input field so it will accept the plus sign?
Posted on the
HI Andre E.
In most cases, the country code is recognized by the phone and the phone number "3212345678" is displayed in the new "+3212345678" format when you make a call.
But it's very easy for Incomedia to change most cases to all cases, they have done it on the mobile contact object so if it is set there correctly you should set it at other objects the same correct way. It makes it better for everybody.
Hello Andre,
I think you're right, the behaviour should be the same as the Mobile Contact object.
I'll report it to the developers.
thank you,