Database For Registration
Author: Arnold K.
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1) I don't understand where stored users data which I creates in advanced options (step#4). Why they don't writed to mysql database?
2) If I make the e-mail form for registration of new users and this form send users data to database - I can not use this usernames and passwords to login for closed pages and I need to repeat a second registration in program interface! It is not correct absolutly! Users must have a possibility to online registration with their own passwords and usernames.
Posted on the
Hello Arnold,
1) The users data is saved in an array of data and the file is call and it is present on the folder Res of project exported.
2) If you send data user to a database you should created a script php that read the users data and execute the control or view in the web.
The data registration you can setting choosing at the step 4 in the Access management the "page for theregistration request".
it would benice ifthe developers were ableto finishthis module,otherwiseaccessis obtainedinferior.
Hello Arnold,
What means the access is obtained inferior? I don't understand whatdo you do.
I assumethat the programshould be implementedways to workwith the databasein the first place-with an registered user accounts. The best way - over mySQL database. And fields named Login and Password in created forms need linked with main accounts that we has in Access Manager. Users will have possibility to create account without administrator.
Hello Arnold,
Thecreation of usersoccurs intern of thesoftwareWebSiteX5Evolution 9.For thisreason you can notautomaticallysave theuser data andusers to log innow.Youcan createa form withthe form objectsendingemailto allowuser registrationon theMySQL database.Later, however,have to doascript thatallowsyou to loaddatafrom the database andmakesusersto login.
Hello Luca,
This scriptis very necessaryfor many X5 users.