Sales tax on shipping 
Author: Lauren W.
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I am trying to get rid of sales tax in shipping. We do not charge a sales tax on the shipping. The following is what my shopping cart looks like
I have gone to the options screen under the shopping cart, but that removing that sales tax takes away the tax per item.
I have tried to make the shipping sales tax as a 0, but that leaves a confusion on the screen because the price plus all the 0s look bad
Any idea? (If it helps I am at the end of my deadline so I am in a pickle... this is the last step for me to be done)
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Hello Lauren,
You should be able to remove the tax on shipping alone without affecting the items in your cart.
Have you tried going to Step 1 Settings > Advanced > Shopping Cart > Order Management > Shipping Type List?
If you edit the various shipping types you'll notice there is an option to select or deselect tax on shipping... please see the screenshot below:
Kind regards,
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I have that unclicked. But it keeps showing up,
I have sales tax in the options section clicked because it is the only way to put a sales tax on our products. I think that option is putting the tax on the shipping (I think)
You are right, Lauren. I've done some testing of my own and can confirm your findings.
I'm going to notify Incomedia about this. There were some issues recently with the Shopping Cart and this may be related. One thing that was supposed to have been fixed in version 2020.1.8 was:
"In some cases, the costs for the selected shipping and payment methods weren't correctly reported in the order summary e-mail."
Please continue to monitor the thread for a reply from Incomedia. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long (bearing in mind your deadline!)
this is how the software works, simply it doesn't allow to have a shipping cost without VAT if the VAT is present for all the other products.
A solution could be, as you suggested, to hide the VAT if the VAT value in zero. I'll send this request to the developers.
I can just suggest you another solution. In the last tab of ecommerce settings (Price Format), you can set to view a "-" instead of "0", so the label will be "IVA (included): -" instead of "IVA (included): 0". So user can understand that VAT is not applied for the shipping method.
Hope this can help you for the moment.