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Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

New objects and functionality of the programm  en

Author: Andrzej K.
Visited 2419, Followers 3, Shared 0  

I am just wondering what do you do, Incomedia? People ask for new functionality of the programm, new payment methods, new objects thay need and they would like to pay for it even...

But what did they recieve? Very expensive (in credits) templates, new objects like for kids: Cursor Click Effects, Cursor Floating Trail, Cursor Trail Effects... I don't know if any of users needs them (especially there is only a few options and no using own pictures).

New payments methods, adding alt tag to galleries, improving speed of loading would be appreciated by users - checks wishes of users from helpcenter.

Please take some efforts for really needed things, not only for "funny" jingles, general look of programm and not used functions.

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Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.


Yeah, I agree with you 101%!

Improving the software with the user's requested features is the ONLY way of making your software more profitable and popular.

I can not undestand how the CEO of Incomedia doesn't get this?

I wrote this so many times - but here it is one more:
I'll pay 1000 EUR for the PRO version licence - IF THIS PRO version was really made for us professional users!
What we have now - is a useful software for some mom&pop little web-shop or for a promotional (static) website - but nothing more than that.

BTW - if your mom&pop shop happens to be in a country which has a local currency not supported by the PayPal, you can not handle any credit card payment...without outsourcing a customized (and expensive) payment gateway...

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.

Their roadmap (if exists) has never been based on customer requests...  Always their wishes !

You can post a ton of ideas.... none is used or just only 1%...
Some ideas (asked By Sinisa by example to inverse 2 lines into the cart)... Just to inverse 2 lines and nothing more... 15s into the source by a copy /paste...

not done quickly ! They need to do some internal blablabla meetings  to know if ...and blabla again 

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Posted on the from Axel  
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Axel

Yeah, I do not know why the hell we are writing this posts anymore - maybe we're addicted? tongue-out

BTW - good to know you are alive and kicking, dude! cool

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
M. Kalem
M. Kalem

Unbelievably that, Why resisting not to fix this payment issue like incomedias own payment method?

We just want the same method what incomedia uses,

Some countries do not support and don't have an option for PayPal'

Everybody should not be aware of VPN or any other computerize trick to make a payment.

Before I had to switch and use ecwid instead after all design and afford to prepare my website.

All works gone to trash bin.

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Posted on the from M. Kalem
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Most of the time I really like X5; does a lot of good stuff, great flexibility, multiple sites with same package, great community support (really, the users and moderators on here are outstanding), for the price it is very good value.  Most times a workaround is available for little glitches or missing things.  Or someone steps up to offer some code for a fix.

But I have to say I am surprised at what gets released sometimes as new or an upgrade compared to more useful things that are requested..... kinda shake my head a bit.

How about a scoreboard of requests and a progress bar or forecast release date?  Let us know Incomedia that you're considering or working on stuff.

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Posted on the from Adrian B.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida


I totally agree!

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Still the same - new version with improving SEO (reportedly) but still no "alt" tag in galleries... 

They are stubborn as a mule - they know better what we need...

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Posted on the from Andrzej K.
A. Kris
A. Kris


@Andrzej K, I agree with you. Unfortunately the needs of users are only considered in rare cases.

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Posted on the from A. Kris
Alessa T.
Alessa T.


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Posted on the from Alessa T.
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Don't get me started :)

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Posted on the from Duncan Baker
David Wilson
David Wilson


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Posted on the from David Wilson