You Tube Video Destroys Page Performance 
Author: Giulio V.I have several Youtube Videos throughout my web Pages. When I use the Video & Audio widget it works fine but the page takes a HUGE dip in page performance. Like without the Video maybe less than 7 seconds to fully load. Then when I add a video to the same page the performace takes like 17 seconds and gives a very poor performance score. This is Very frustrating and will hurt search engine rankings.
When I use the HTML Code widget it works, but does not scale down to the different viewports and gets cut off.
Video is important and so is page speed and performance.Does anyone know how to fix this issue so the web pages can keep its good performance after placing a Video on it?.
I have been trying several workarounds with no success.
I wish to thank everyone for any help you can send my way.
Best Regards, Giulio
"When I use the HTML Code widget it works, but does not scale down to the different viewports and gets cut off." - please send a link to the page where you posted this code.
Hi Aleksej,
Thank you for your response. I tried this as a workaround to the performance hit when placing a video in the Audio Video widget with a link to the YouTube Video. It worked when I tested it, it opend in a showbox and the video was centered. I thought this is good because it took care of the serious performace issue.
But now when I look at the video on the page it is pushed to the lower right and cut off.
This Page is where I placed a (Photo Object) which is just a photo of the Video with a link to the Youtube video. It opened in the live video and you would just need to click on it to play. But Now It is cut off.
"When I use the (HTML Code) widget it works, but does not scale down to the different viewports and gets cut off." This is not acceptable.
The Audio Video widget works well but at a terrible expense to page loading performance like 22 seconds on some pages. When I remove the Video off the page it goes bak to 5 or six seconds according to google Lightning testetc..
I know there is some code that can added to the Youtube video code to take care of this but was hopeful there would be an easier way.
Thank you again,
(It > En) ... YT problem in showbox solved in > v.BETA; (*) ... soon the stable version will arrive to do the update...
...!... do not put YT videos on the page, but instead put some light preview images, linked to the YT video opening in the ShowBox (or in IFRAME), ... in this way the page will be very light ...!...
...(*)... waiting for the official FIX coming soon, you can use my EXTRA temporary solution:
<style> #imShowBox> div> div {top: 0px! important; left: 0px! important; } </style>
Hi KolAsim, Thankyou for the reply. I started changing back to some important you tube video on several pages, this is a lot of work.
I appreciate that there is a fix coming, so is there any idea when it will be released? I can't wait soon enough to have the videos show up on my page with show box without the serious performance hit.
I do exactly what you said by showing a picture and linking it to the youtube video which really takes the load off the performance of the page. But at the moment the Video is not centered whem it opens in show box, it is cut off to the lower right. Like on this page.
Thank you so much, Ciao, Giulio
Hi KolAsim,
On another issue some have noted and posted along with myself about Google's CLS rating, have we been able to deal with the Google CLS issue? It will become a ranking factor in 2021? This is called "Comulative Layout Shift", the last I heard was they were working on it. Do you know how
"On another issue some have noted and posted along with myself about Google's CLS rating" - Here is an article on how I increased my website loading speed.
Specifically CLS rating, it can be associated with too "heavy" objects on the page without specifying the width and height: images, videos, etc.
"It will become a ranking factor in 2021?" - if you believe Google's statement, then yes.
... Hi, ... meanwhile you can use my code, with an instant copy/paste:

Hi KolAsim.
This is great! But could you please tell me where to paste the code and maybe show an example.
Thank you for your help, it is much appreciated.
Ciao, Giulio
... paste in:
>> Step 3 - Map > The Page Properties window | ▪Expert | ▪Custom Code: > 3rd option - Before closing the HEAD tag
Hi KolAsim,
Thank you so much for your code and instructions, it worked perfectly.
It is very encouraging to receive help and a solution from you in such a quick manner.
You Are Amazing, I hope one day I can return the favor but it will take some time to develop my skills.
Thank you for being there...
Ciao, Giulio
Hi KolAsim,
I received the latest update for the Showbox issue not displaying Videos correctly, now other videos are displaying well.
I have about 30 pages with Video which I previously placed your temporary code on each page and now that Incomedia made the fix do I need to remove your temporary code from these pages?
I just want to make sure there will be no conflict with your code and the new software fix from Incomedia.
Thank you foryour help.
Ciao, Giulio
... ... you test with a page, I can't try, but there shouldn't be any conflicts ...
... however calmly, a little at a time, it is always better to remove the EXTRA code ...
hallo, ciao
Hi KolAsim,
Thank you so much for your help, I deleted the temporary code on a few pages and all seems OKnow.
Again, thank you for your well informed attention to my issue, very much appreciated.
Ciao, Giulio