WebSite X5Help Center

Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

Users, please support me on this!  en

Author: Sinisa B.
Visited 3372, Followers 2, Shared 0  

I want to make sure that Incomedia will implement the feature I mentioned below - so all the WSX5 users please support my post with your comments and/or +1.

Thank you!


Since I don't want that anyone lose a client for NOT HAVING an ordinary eCommercer feature in the PRO version - I call upon the Incomedia to implement THE PRODUCT VARIANT QUANTITY OPTION!

If we have the possibilitie to set quantities  - IT'S ESSENTIAL that we are able to set it on the product's variants as well!

For someone who sells T-shirts - it's really important to know how many black, red or blue shirt are still on the stock (of the same model)!

Below is a screen-shot of one cheap shopping cart solution - which has this option for years. I do not want to mention other competing eCommerce platforms - because I do not want to provoke any censorship (which is very popular now "in the free world").

Anyhow - Incomedia please do not say it will be noted to the developers!Please do not say that - I lost one client because of that and I want a firm promise that this will be implemented soon!

Thank you for understanding!

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

You get + 1000 from me!

I realy think this is something that is needed. 


I set the post to IDEA post.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Andre

Well, thank you!

I really think this is "a problem" and not "a feature request" (I lost a client because of it - so it's definitely a problem in my case)... that's why I post this as QUESTION.

But since you are the moderator here... you can do whatever you think is best to provoke any positive reaction.

Hopefully the Incomedia will treat this "IDEA" more seriously than my other "IDEAS"...

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.


It's an important  missing option to do an actual e-Commerce shop

Hope also, to have this one asap and a real answer to this request with a real deadline and not .... in the futur...

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Posted on the from Axel  
Andre E
Andre E


You are correct it's a problem but if you set the post to question it will not end up in the IDEA posts from Incomedia, then changes are less!

So hope a lot of users support you, i certanly do because i have the same problem! several products just different colour and the only way to make good use of the quantity option is to create for every item and colour 2  shop items, so it fills up your shop needlessly it makes it more complex for visitors. And imagina you have besides colours also sizes. That would make the shop huge with same stuff.

On the other hand if you set it to one item and customer orders and you have to decline because that size is not there anymore is also a problem you don't want, and customer also....

That's why i gave an +1000  and set it to IDEA

The more user's follow here and/or comment the higher the changes!

Fingers crossed.....

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Posted on the from Andre E
Emmanuel C.
Emmanuel C.


I completely agree with this. This has been an issue for me as well and I did not feel the need to write it here as we keep getting this generic message you've mentioned above "it will be noted to the developers."

I have been even looking at other website builders that have all the features we have been asking Incomedia for.

I've been waiting patiently for the features I've ask for, but my patience is running out and will soon make a switch if these features are not implemented in the next update.

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Posted on the from Emmanuel C.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida


sono anni che chiediamo questi miglioramenti!

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Adrian B.
Adrian B.


plus many other things

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Posted on the from Adrian B.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.


Thank you very much guys!

Like you - I have a ton of "other features" in mind - but I want to go "baby steps" with Incomedia.

This one is really bugging me - and nobody wants to lose money because of the tool he/she is using...

Hopefully Incomedia will notice and react respectively!

@ Andre

OK - I get it! Thank you!

@ Emmanuel C.

You could contact me on my e-mail below - I might be having some interesting info:


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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
John P.
John P.

+1 much needed

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Posted on the from John P.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

+100, but I really don't believe if they do anything...

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Posted on the from Andrzej K.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Andrzej

I understand - but I have to try to see if the company's policy regarding important updates has changed in 2021.

If not - well, we all know what is going to happen... cheers!

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia


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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
David Wilson
David Wilson


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Posted on the from David Wilson
A. Kris
A. Kris


We've been asking for this update for years

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Posted on the from A. Kris
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

Hoping to hear from INCOMEDIA soon!

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
Frederic P.
Frederic P.

+ 1

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Posted on the from Frederic P.
Stefano G.

Good day everyone and happy new year

Of course as per every Idea topic, once again I confirm that all feedback is very important to us and have turned this topic into an Idea will make it so that it is more visible to the Staff

That being said, even though I cannot confirm that any Idea will receive more interest from the Staff than another, but I can guarantee that showing interest in a specific idea in a great amount is surely helpful for us to understand which ideas are helpful to the most users.

I will leave the topic open so that the support can remain visible when discussing future updates

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Stefano

This feature significantly improves the quality & usability of the eCommerce part and it's a common, everyday feature of ANY webshop software.

Please put this at the TOP of the TO DO list...

...and thank you for leaving this post OPEN!


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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Sinisa B.
@ Stefano This feature significantly improves the quality & usability of the eCommerce part and it's a common, everyday feature of ANY webshop software. Please put this at the TOP of the TO DO list... ...and thank you for leaving this post OPEN! Cheers!

+100000 I agree with Sinisa.

Per Incomedia: io credo che non ci sia bisogno di aspettare i suggerimenti degli utenti per implementare funzioni che è il mondo del web attuale che le richiede affinché un e-commerce sia veramente moderno e al passo con i tempi.

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Giuseppe

Grazie per il vostro sostegno!

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
Andy A.
Andy A.


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Posted on the from Andy A.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Stephano

Can you confirm that the developers will start working on this SOON?

Plain & simple -> if this feature is not implemented - I have to switch to the other platform.

I don't want to - but I'll be forced to... I'm not going to lose another client again.


Thank you in advance for your feedback - and thank you keeping this thread open!

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
John S.
John S.


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Posted on the from John S.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

The whole e-commerce part needs a lot more attention with many improvements.
The products need to be database based to be interfaced from other applications. Guidelines how to implement payment systems (tutorials for a few example providers) are long overdue. And quite a lot more...

Well, maybe someday we will be able to have more shops on X5 instead of shopify... ;-)

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Posted on the from Dieter D.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

And please, Incomedia. don't try to sell long overdue improvements when they finally appear as extra objects for expensive credits (like the accordeon, what should be part of the main program as this is a rather basic feature). I'm tired of paying every year for the renewal license and no real new features in the last years...

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Posted on the from Dieter D.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Dieter

Thnx for commenting!

Yeah, there dozens of things to improve with eCommerce alone.

I just wanted to start with ONE (1) improvement:

hoping that Incomedia will get better focus if we are going to suggest only one thing to fix at the time...


The funny thing is that WSX5 with few eCommerce improvements (i.e. BASIC ONLINE product editing, new payment gateway (supporting other currencies), turn orders into invoices automatically, more info in the shipping by country section etc.) could become the leading eCommerce solution considering the standalone software! This fact should also improve the income part of the equation - Incomedia could charge more for the PRO ver. and get more users...

All those improvements are easily doable within 2-3 months...


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Posted on the from Sinisa B.


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Posted on the from JÖRG L.
Stefano G.

Hello everyone

I would like to answer some of the points that were made on this topic, to clear some things up.


Unfortunately, no. I cannot guarantee in any way that this is something that we will work on soon. Ideas give to guarantee that something will be done or will be done in a short span of time. That being said, Ideas that are reported often and by many users and that can actually make sense in software such as a WebSite X5 will definitely be kept under consideration for future improvements

@Dieter & others

The fact that the ecommerce can always be further improved is a fact. There is always more that can be added to make it more complete. Especially during last year and with the upcoming new features planned for the future releases this year, we're moving fast towards many improvements to the ecommerce specifically.

Please though, keep in mind that WebSite X5 is not software made for ecommerce only. There are many other functionalities in the software which are regularly used by users. Not all users make use of the ecommerce, so it would be wrong to only dedicate updates to it.

Additionally, I have to say that reading that "no real new features in the last years" forces me to say that this is simply not true.

During the entirety of 2020, several important functionalities were added, and to the ecommerce too. To mention a few:

The entire ecommerce layout and process was redesigned, improvements to the registration ssytem were done both security-wise and through the password reset system. The improvement of Structured Data especially aimed at businesses and the new integration with PayPal too, which allows for much better fees plus a wider array of payment gateways that can be used with it. Shipping costs by nation, a page dedicated to filtering and a complete rework of the Comments and Rating system was done as well

Now, in the latest preview, the Search functionality has been improved to better allow your users to search the website for content efficiently and more is to come in the future thanks to the new way updates are distributed, which allows us to produce more than a single big update but by releasing separated smaller updates which contain improvements or straight new features across the entire year.

I want to let you know that further very interesting updates are coming early this year which include more great improvements to the software, such as automatic pages for products, but all of this will be presented at a later time

I can surely understand that when something you asked isn't added didn't make it into the software yet, but please keep on proposing what you think are the most important improvements to the software so that we might know exactly what is needed and make conscious decisions

I remain available in case you have any doubts

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
John S.
John S.

@Stefano - a good and informative answer. Regarding the new things: I do not agree that "several important functionalities" has been made. I will say we don't get much for the update "protection". Hope some great things will come soon. There is a looooooong idea-list to be inspired from. I know that what is important to one user could be irrelevan to other users - but there have been made many idea posts that is supported by many. Hope to see some of them realized.

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Posted on the from John S.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Stefano

Thank you for sharing - glad to hear that many new options are on the way. The issue I've written about cost me losing a client. Do you think that this makes an is important problem or not?

Secondly, I'm aware that WSX5 is not eCommerce software only. I get it.

BUT, I'm using it ONLY because it has eCommerce capability. I will use some other tool if it hasn't!

I can guess that a significant percentage of your clients are using it for the same purpose as me.

So, not having that option: quantities of the product's variants - could cost someone else money or at least a big embarrassment.

I think you can also say that demanding this option to be implemented in WSX5 is not "exotic" at all - ALL the major (and some small) eCommerce platforms have it for years. It's a necessity in 95% of the webshops online!

So, my proposal is:

Incomedia could make another software version:
"WSX5 eCommerce" - and price the licence more than a PRO.

But than this version must have everything that someone who is making e-shops FOR LIVING  has to have!
I will gladly write all those points for you - or you can just look at my IDEA posts (and others) in the last 1,5 years.

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Stefano, perhaps the fundamental concept that is not taken into account at Incomedia is that all the news you listed above and which have been added to Website X5 in the last year, have existed on other platforms and software for several years. This is the main problem of your Website X5: it always arrives after a long time where many others have arrived many years before. If you disagree, please provide me with "evidence" to show that it is not as stated by me. Thanks.


Stefano, forse il concetto fondamentale di cui non si tiene conto ad Incomedia è che tutte le novità da te elencate sopra e che sono astate aggiunte a Website X5 nell'ultimo anno, su altre piattaforme e software esistono ormai da diversi anni. Questo è il problema principale del vostro Website X5: esso arriva sempre dopo molto tempo là dove tanti altri sono arrivati molti anni prima. Se non sei d'accordo forniscimi delle "prove" che dimostrino che non è come affermato da me. Grazie

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida

Full agee with Giuseppe and others

Many updates, new features are decided by You - Incomedia. and just YOU

Many requests asked by users to improve the software are not updated , by the BIG "update protection" which is not just only a way to do some money, but not to satisfy yours customers.

Like you said, a very new feature will be "such as automatic pages for products".. Who has asked this one on the HC. NOBODY...?????? never saw a post on this... But many for fixes....

But we have asked some real fixes and features to improve the product. AND ... nothing ???? Even Sinisa demand is not a priority... May be , into 2 yrs or more... Never you do big efforts regarding a asked features very important for many users...

Interface color, or Design Interface is not the main feature asked by us !!!! NEVER.


AGAIN I aks for a Bug tracking tool available for customers... Just to see, to know what are the next and new fixes, releases.

And Incomedia you don't want to put this tool in place to keep the control of your wishes.

Customers needs (paid and asked by the Update Protection) is not YOUR priority... In fact customers needs is not YOUR PRIORITY...

And like said Gisueppe... Many new features provides by you are already in place in other solutions, since long time...

It's a pity... And probably 2021 will another bad business year regarding your revenues since few years.... But it your fault, just yours.

Again, I am a very disappointed by your customer relation ship... Or more by your NOT customers relation ship.

Not so far to say really bye bye...
Not so far...

Enjoy !


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Posted on the from Axel  
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Andre E
Andre E


I realy hoope Incomdia can add this, it's a very common option and hardly needed.

Anyway i already stated that i think, but maybe should i change the post title to:

PLease help your users Incomedia?

just joking.....

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Posted on the from Andre E