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Luis S.
Luis S.

[Overlay bug] Using color overlay covers text on top of background image  en

Author: Luis S.
Visited 1667, Followers 2, Shared 0  

When using overlay for the background image now covers all text that's on top of it.

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Luis S.
Luis S.

Did a bit of testing and this is only happening to older projects (this site was crated last week) so this should be a problem with the converting process.

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Posted on the from Luis S.
Luis S.
Luis S.

upon further testing this only happens when the element has an animation effect, I removed the effect and the text was again over the overlay colour.

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Posted on the from Luis S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luis, I have marked your post for attention by Incomedia.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Hello Luis

I've performed some tests and I would just like to ask for your confirmation

This doesn't seem in any way linked to the fact that the project comes from a previous version or not. This happens in general if your Object has an animation on it.

Also, after a while when the animation is over, the color gets fixed

Is this correct for you too?

Keep me posted here

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Luis S.
Luis S.
Stefano G.
Hello Luis I've performed some tests and I would just like to ask for your confirmation This doesn't seem in any way linked to the fact that the project comes from a previous version or not. This happens in general if your Object has an animation on it. Also, after a while when the animation is over, the color gets fixed Is this correct for you too? Keep me posted here Thank you Stefano

Hi Stefano, yes, after I did more tests and as you pointed out, the problem happens in any case (does not have to do with imported projects), the behaviour is like you say, the animation effect causes the overlay to cover the text [bug] and after some seconds the text goes back to normal.

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Posted on the from Luis S.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Confermo il bug se è attivo un effetto sull'Oggetto nella griglia di impaginazione. Senza effetto sull'Oggetto tutto si vede correttamente.


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Stefano G.

Hello everyone

Thank you for the feedback

I've notified this to the developers so that the issue can be further verified and fixed

I'll keep you posted here


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Stefano G.

Hello Luis

a new BETA update has been released that should take care of this. If you have the chance, please update your version, test this out and keep me posted here

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.