Add Image Object to sitemap 
Author: Charlene GolojuchI am on Evo v2021.2.2. I have a search site object installed and it is only picking up titles of pages and text that is on those pages. We are an art gallery and I wanted to be able to search for the title or description of each painting. I have these inserted both as "image objects" and then also in "galleries" and in each artist's gallery of works I have inputed descriptions. I would like to know if there is a way I can format the search to pick these up. When I read about the "image objects" on WebsiteX5 Help Center, they show a page that is different than what I have. Below is the photo shown in the tutorial, however, my page tabs read "General" "Display" and "SEO," with no option to "add to sitemap" like shown in the tutorial below. Also, I cannot find any instruction on how to include the gallery descriptions in the sitemap. If anyone can give me some direction, I would appreciate it!!
Images can be searched for - but not images in galleries
For general SEO image optimizing see this
For the searchengine in X5 you only have to insert text for the image - then the search will show for images and for pages separately.
Try here :
Go to bottom and search for : litra
You should then see one image and one page found
It has been asked by many people that we have the alt tag for all images. There is no alt tag possible in the slideshow - that's why.
Thanks for the information. However, in the link that you shared for general SEO image optimization, the fields are different than what appears in my EVO v2021.2.2 version. Below are two photos of the "image object" tabs. One is from the article which shows an option to "add to sitemap"; the other photo is from my version which only have options for "General" "Display" and "SEO," with no option to "add to sitemap." Am I missing something here?
Another update - Attached is a photo of my SEO tab which I completed for the Image Object. My goal is to be able to do a "site search" within Websitex5 for one of these keywords and have it show up in the site results. But it's not happening. I understand from Ken's comments that my descriptions contained in "gallery" images will never show up, but I'd at least like to have my image objects show up in searchs. Am I doing something wrong? And where do I get a version that has the "sitemap" tab on the "image object" page (like is shown on the websitex5 tutorial)?
Hello Charlene
By default, the newest version automatically inserts images into the sitemap when you check the "Generate Sitemap" option in Step 1 -> WebSite Optimization, SEO
So the image should already be there.
Did you try searching for the image via the image title and file name? none return any result?
Keep me posted here
Thank you