Facebook plugin error... Again... 
Author: X5 Croatia
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Please fix the facebook social module option, again is not working at all... Any language, any option... Not showing on websites... PLEASE !!!
Posted on the
Hello.Please provide a link to the site page with this object.
I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
This is only one domain... www.cromedo.com...
Nice HD video... but not fluid.... heavy to load... Even If I try to replay the video after a full view.
I saw in your source that the video was locally on your web server. Can you try to upload the video on Youtube and to configure the access through Youtube to see if better.
Axel thank you, this is a facebook module plugin post :)
@X5 Croatia,
No facebook icon/link on your home web page !!!! https://www.crobear.eu/
Good afternoon
I've tested the Facebook module on a test website and it seems to work fine. Can you confirm that the issue appears on this website only or on a different one as well? Do you have any other website where the Object is present and it works?
If yes, what if you try to delete and add it again?
Try it out and keep me posted here
Thank you
Stefano thank you, in the start page (index.php) last css, before futer, its not working on any website...
Good afternoon
It seems like for some particular configuration, it might no longer work again. I'm notifying the developers of this in order to check whether an error is occurring again on Facebook or what the cause of this can be
I'll keep you posted
Thank you
X5 Croatia User, your link to facebook, seems wrong it should be www.facebook.com/cromedobearwatching which is the correct link, on your pic, it starts web.facebook.com ??
Andy, the link is correct... Module for face is not working, Stefano from INCOMEDIA agree...
Good afternoon
It seems to work again here:
Can you check for me?
Thank you
yeah, works for me too..
Its working now, online, preview on the aplication not... Fix it because we must see the look of the module... Thank you...
In the button count drop down option it cuts the share icon... :(
Today not working on diferent sites... This module is buggy, probably switch to the usual facebook code...
Good afternoon
The integrated Object for Facebook doesn't really do anything special but allows you to integrate the custom code by Facebook easily without handling any real code. Plus all possible conflicts with other codes from the software are taken into consideration
I cannot guarantee that using different codes will work since the software does nothing special with this code but simply presents the one from Facebook
Is it very probable that if the buttons aren't working on some websites, the issue is with Facebook specifically or some blocking that the hosting is generating
Please double-check this again for me. Also, if you encounter any other issue with the software like you mentioned that some button is cut, please open a dedicated topic on it so that I might verify that for you
Thank you