Editing image of flipshow 
Author: L.R. Van Lith
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I have the plugin for making a flipshow or rotate show. In basic this works fine, only thing i REALY miss: the possibility to rotate an image.
Once an image is selected and i see the orientation is not correct, i remove the image, rotate the original, and insert it again in the show. Result: It is STILL wrong orientated.
Solution: just as in the Galerie: make it possible to edit an image in the programm function.
Posted on the
L.R. Van Lith, when faced with a similar dilemna in the past I found I had to do as suggested (I use irfanview) but to make it work the rotated image needed a new name otherwise WX5 got confused and continued to display the original image.
Yes it would be nice if editing/rotating/cropping was available in all graphic sliders.
That option worked sometimes yes, but even now it does not work. I also tried to find the specific photo/picture in de WX5- site maps of the project, but can not find it there.
Also a restart of WX5, without any result..
Realy anoying...grrr
You have used CTRL+preview?
Often the preview cache needs flushing but this will cause ALL pages (not just those you modified) to upload to the web on next upload. You may also need CTRL+F5 to clear browser cache when online.
This has nothing to do with the X5.
On a PC you can rotate an image. Normally the image is not rotated - it is marked with an angle to rotate when viewed. So on the PC all seems to be OK - images is shown as they should be.
(In windows file-manager you can see if the image file is marked for rotation or it is normal - it has either an angle specified, or the text "normal" or no text)
When an image is uploaded to a server, this (the rotation) information is lost.
AS Esahc tells: You can open the image in IrfanView. Then rotate the image. And then save the image.
The image is now saved with no rotation-info. It is saved as you saw it on the screen.
Now rename the image. This should not be neccessary, but X5 will sometimes only use a "new" image.
Use that image in the slideshow.
Now when the project/image is uploaded then all should be OK.
As an alternative to rename+new image in slideshow, you could find the image in the images folder on the server and then replace it with the normal-rotated image.
Remember to refresh the browser (Ctrl+F5) - this should be done whatever you use the rename or the replace method.
I see that Esahc has mentioned the browser refreshing as I was typing
It HAS to do with WX5: I just asked for the option as in a Galerie....where it is possible to rotate an image.
Simpel as that.
Furthermore i did rotate the image in a editor and saved it. But after import in flipshow it is still the wrong way. Cleaning cash and such i all did..
OK - just tried to give some background and a solution for the problem.
Your approach to the problem requires a change in the X5. Only INCOMEDIA can help then.
Yes i know, therefore my message here in the [ idea topic ] :-)